# I have a problem in building class Tree (Binary Search)
# function DelNode(self, Key) is not exactly
# I Need Help, Please building class Tree (Binary Search)
# Is there any different definition of class Tree
from string import split
class Node:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Key = None
        self.pLeft = None
        self.pRight = None
    def __del__(self):
        del self

class Tree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Root = None
    def __del__a(self):
        if self.Root != None:
            del self.Root.pLeft
            del self.Root.pRight
            del self.Root
    def LNR(self):
        if self.Root != None:
            print self.Root.Key,
    def InsertNode(self, Key):
        if self.Root != None:
            if self.Root.Key == Key:
                return 0
            elif self.Root.Key > Key:
                return self.Root.pLeft.InsertNode(Key)
                return self.Root.pRight.InsertNode(Key)
        self.Root = Node()
        if self.Root == None:
            return -1
        self.Root.Key = Key
        self.Root.pLeft = Tree()
        self.Root.pRight = Tree()
        return 1
    def SearchStandFor(self, t1, t2):
        if t2.Root.pLeft.Root != None:
            self.SearchStandFor(t1, t2.Root.pLeft)
            t1.Root.Key = t2.Root.Key
            t1 = t2
            t2 = t2.Root.pRight
    def DelNode(self, Key):
        if self.Root == None:
            return 0
        if self.Root.Key > Key:
            return self.Root.pLeft.DelNode(Key)
        elif self.Root.Key < Key:
            return self.Root.pRight.DelNode(Key)
        else:# self.Root.Key == Key
            p = self # --> trouble ???
            if self.Root.pLeft.Root == None:
                self.Root = self.Root.pRight.Root
            elif self.Root.pRight.Root == None:
                self.Root = self.Root.pLeft.Root
            else:# Root has 2 children
                self.SearchStandFor(p, self.Root.pRight)
            del p # --> trouble ???
        return 1

def ReadFile(strFileName, t):
    OFile = open(strFileName, "r")
    text = OFile.readline()

    a = split(text, " ")
    for i in range(0,len(a)):

def main():
    t = Tree()
    ReadFile("TreeIn.txt", t)
    t.LNR() #--> 13 16 18 31 37 40 44 55 59 71 81 108
    t.DelNode(44) # 44 is root, have two children
    t.LNR() #--> 13 16 18 31 37 40 55 55 59 71 81 108
    # I write t.DelNode(13), it don't run exactly, 13 is a node have 1 child (right child)
    # ... and if I don't define function __del__ of clas Node, it runs exactly, why???
#content of file TreeIn.txt is "44 18 37 13 31 40 81 59 108 55 71 16"

If you insist writing your own destructor for class Tree, change it to this:

class Tree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Root = None
    def __del__(self):
        if self.Root != None:
            del self.Root
    def LNR(self):

Note: Destructors are optional thing in Python.

def main():
    t = Tree()
    ReadFile("TreeIn.txt", t)
    t.LNR() #--> 13 16 18 31 37 40 [B]44 55[/B] 59 71 81 108
    t.DelNode(44) # 44 is root, have two children
    t.LNR() #--> 13 16 18 31 37 40 [B]55 55[/B] 59 71 81 108
    [B]#my program doesn't del element, it only change 44 to 55, i want del node 44[/B]

Hi jimmypk,

It might be easier if you maintained a 'parent' field in each Node, then used this to forcibly unlink subtrees from parent Nodes. In that case, deleting a Node would be similar to deleting a Node in a linked list - set the parent's child field to the grandchild Node.

That's all the advice I have to give.

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