Hello All

I have problem in database management in vb6 using access database.

I have created small code library to store code snippets.

When i add new code to database then size of database is increased.This is normal.

But whenever i remove some code from my database then size of database is not decreased.Whay this problem occurs.If this situation will stay for long time then the time will come when the size of my access database will me very large.

So pls help me in this problem .

I m 18 years old beginner vb6 programmer from India.

You can also mail me personally at : vbmade2000@gmail.com

Hmn, are you emptying the record (setting all the fields to "") or are you actually calling the ADO's delete method?

I Think your access database is not in compact mode if not goto options menu and check on
compact on close option
This may solve your problem

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