So, the title may seem confusing so hopefully I am able to explain myself better via the thread body. I am developing an application for a friend that wants to have a blue light reducing effect for his every day browsing. I have been able to accomplish the task by making my form full size, opaque and the back color being orange, like most other filtering apps. The issue with this approach is I am unable to figure out how to enable clicks on other applications and windows below my form. I have attached the code below and would love some assitance on figuring this issue out. I am an undergrade so I am learning as I go so please, understand that I am trying my best and hope that I can find a solution through some good ole fashioned peer-to-peer communication. Thanks guys and happy coding!


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Blue_Light_Reducer
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.TopMost = true;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
            this.BackColor = Color.Orange;
            this.Opacity = .20;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
            button1.Visible = false;

Why bother. Just install f.lux. It's free and easy to use. I know the latest Windows 10 update has their own version but, based on my experience with Microsoft making simple things complicated, I am sticking with f.lux.

commented: The old do I buy or make a wheel problem? +12

Why bother. Just install f.lux. It's free and easy to use. I know the latest Windows 10 update has their own version but, based on my experience with Microsoft making simple things complicated, I am sticking with f.lux.

I agree and love f.lux but the issue is that I would love to create something similar and learn more than I currently know in the process. I know there are others out there but I started programming because I like to create rather use other software. It's weird, I know but I love the process of recreation to say, "hey, I did it!"


Your approach is flawed so rather than dive into why it's a dead end, why not look at Red Shift, f.lux and how it works?

If we were sitting at lunch I could give you a short as I can overview of why your approach wipes out but that's too much to write here. Hint? It's all about the Windows event message system. If you don't master that now, you are a year or more away from your current approach to even show a glimmer of working. Yes I can hear your blood pressure rising.

Again, go look at what Red Shift is doing. Much more on target.

@NJ Your approach is flawed so rather than dive into why it's a dead end, why not look at Red Shift, f.lux and how it works? If we were sitting at lunch I could give you a short as I can overview of why your approach wipes out but that's too much to write here. Hint? It's all about the Windows event message system. If you don't master that now, you are a year or more away from your current approach to even show a glimmer of working. Yes I can hear your blood pressure rising. Again, go look at what Red Shift is doing. Much more on target.

My blood pressure is most defintely not rising. I encourage this kind of discussion as I can learn different approaches to the task at hand.


That's good. Now scrap that idea and follow those that did this before. Red Shift has code and docs that tell how.

In one line: These dimming apps adjust gamma and brightness according to user settings about time, color and brightness.

@NJ That's good. Now scrap that idea and follow those that did this before. Red Shift has code and docs that tell how. In one line: These dimming apps adjust gamma and brightness according to user settings about time, color and brightness.

Thank you very much! I am researching now and will post about my findings!

try any fron alternative sites like alternativeto

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