here is my code i get an error of call of non function in lines 29, 34, 39 and 44

apprecite help or an alternate code if possible

here is code

int main (void)
  char desiredgrade;
  double min_average;
  double currentaverage;
  double weight;
  double score;
  printf("Please enter your desired grade: \n");
  scanf("%c", &desiredgrade);
  printf("Please enter your minimum average required:  \n");
  scanf("%lf", &min_average);
  printf("Please enter your current average in course:  \n");
  scanf("%lf", &currentaverage);
  printf("Please enter how much the final counts as a percentage of the course grade:  \n");
  scanf("%lf", &weight);
  if ( 92<=desiredgrade && desiredgrade>=100)
  printf("You need a score of %.2f on the final to get A\n",score);
  else if (84<=desiredgrade && desiredgrade>=91)
  printf("You need a score of %.2f on the final to get B\n",score);
  else if (76<=desiredgrade && desiredgrade>=83)
  printf("You need a score of %.2f on the final to get C\n",score);
  else if (68<=desiredgrade && desiredgrade>=75)
  printf("You need a score of %.2f on the final to get D\n",score);
  return 0 ;
  return score ;

You need some kind of operator between these brackets. Probably the multiplication operator. (a)(b) doesnt mean a * b like in algebra.


then that makes my formula wrong then
that is correct formula

If that doesnt correct your problem write me the Correct Formula mathematically. Use +,-,*,/ only. Don't use any implicit operators.

Purpose: To determine data requirements.
To read input.
To process and output data.
To document a program.

Program: Write a program that predicts the score needed on a final exam to achieve a desired grade in a course. The program should interact with the user as follows:
Enter Desired grade: B
Enter minimum average required: 79.5
Enter current average in course: 74.6
Enter how much the final counts as a percentage of the course grade: 25

You need a score of 94.20 on the final to get a B.

[79.5 - 75(.746)] * 4

this is waht his example works out to i need the formula

Enter Desired grade: B
Enter minimum average required: 79.5
Enter current average in course: 74.6
Enter how much the final counts as a percentage of the course grade: 25

You need a score of 94.20 on the final to get a B.
[79.5 - 75(.746)] * 4

Here is a much more smaller program that gives you the required output. No check is done for Desired grade checking. You do that.

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void)
  char desiredgrade;
  double min_average;
  double currentaverage;
  double weight;
  double score;
  printf("Please enter your desired grade: \n");
  scanf("%c", &desiredgrade);
  printf("Please enter your minimum average required:  \n");
  scanf("%lf", &min_average);
  printf("Please enter your current average in course:  \n");
  scanf("%lf", &currentaverage);
  printf("Please enter how much the final counts as a percentage of the course grade:  \n");
  scanf("%lf", &weight);
  printf("You need a score of %.2f on the final to get %c\n",score, desiredgrade);
  return 0;

My output

Please enter your desired grade:
Please enter your minimum average required:
Please enter your current average in course:
Please enter how much the final counts as a percentage of the course grade:
You need a score of 94.20 on the final to get B

Yes you better follow the guidelines laid down by Wolfpack to solve your problem but while finalizing your code just replace the scanf with either getchar () for gettign a character or fgets ( ) while getting a string.

scanf is a prettly complex function and leaves the input stream dirty with the junk.

Hope it helped, bye.

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