OK, this is a minor quibble from someone who is not *normally* concerned with neatness.

I want to put docstrings in my functions. If I put them in using the 'textbook' method:

def is_same(self,x):
        """A.is_same(x) --> Bool\n\nReturns True if A and x represent   
           essentially the same item, as determined by their userid.  Useful 
           for detecting undesired conflicts on lists that require unique 

the code looks nice, but help(A.is_same) comes out as


is_same(self, x) unbound __main__.Account method
    A.is_same(x) --> Bool
    Returns True if A and x represent essentially
               the same item, as determined by their userid.  Useful for 
               detecting undesired conflicts on lists that require unique 

which isn't terrible, but doesn't justify the paragraph correctly.

OTOH, I can write

def to_edit(self, new=False):
        "A.to_edit([new])--> (label,default)\n\nProduces a tuple for use \
by an Edit_Dialog.  The labels will be \ndisplayed by the Edit_Dialog, \
and the default will be used to fill in \nthe fields.  If new == True, \
None will be passed to Edit_Dialog."

which gives


to_edit(self, new=False) unbound __main__.Account method
    A.to_edit([new])--> (label,default)
    Produces a tuple for use by an Edit_Dialog.  The labels will be 
    displayed by the Edit_Dialog, and the default will be used to fill in 
    the fields.  If new == True, None will be passed to Edit_Dialog.

So far, it seems that I'm forced to choose between readable docstrings and readable code. Anyone have a different solution?


Python to the rescue ...

def test1():
    """In this documentation string
    the indentation becomes part of the string"""

print test1.__doc__

def test2():
This is why Python relaxes the indentation rules
within a multiline string to allow this kind of
documentation string

print test2.__doc__

OK, I feel dumb. Thanks! :cool:

P.S. How do you get the cool color options and such in your code snippets on this forum? I assume you don't code the HTML by hand...:)

The snippets code fields are highlighted by the website software. For regular threads you can use (php) tags instead of (code) tags to get php code highlighting. This does a good job with Python code, but there are some pitfalls! Like trailing \ are swallowed, and few other things! So fickle user beware!

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