my name is vikrant..doing b.tech in comp science engg..when i start the jakarta tomcat5.0, it gives me the error that java_home not assigned properly ang gives me the error that unable to find _djava.endorsed.dirs. what is meant by this file..is there anyone to help me

try this setup, it is what I used, also you don't need to do rest of the setup after tomcat test as this is irelevant . follow my link

my name is vikrant..doing b.tech in comp science engg..when i start the jakarta tomcat5.0, it gives me the error that java_home not assigned properly ang gives me the error that unable to find _djava.endorsed.dirs. what is meant by this file..is there anyone to help me

Hi vikrant,
just set the java path for JAVA_HOME in the startup.bat.
assume u have tomcat in c: drive then try this
ex: c:\tomcat5.0\bin> edit startup.bat
in that file u find JAVA_HOME n modify as(assuming java is installed in drive d:) ur prob wil b solved

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