Hi there,
I'm new to this sqlserver package. Is VB6 can able to work with this package like connectivity issues?. Can somebody advice me about this because my previous experience is purely on ms access database as backend front end vb6. thnx in advance..


Hi there,
I'm new to this sqlserver package. Is VB6 can able to work with this package like connectivity issues?. Can somebody advice me about this because my previous experience is purely on ms access database as backend front end vb6. thnx in advance..


Option Explicit

Dim dbCn As String
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection

dbCn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=dbEvaluation;data source=jeff1;Workstation ID=jeff"

Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cn.Open dbCn

for connection to sql...

Hi there,
thanks a lot for the code... have a good one.

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