Please, if anyone could give me assembly code for a calculator it would be a great help . I am using mips...
Thanks in advance.:-|

If you use google you might be able to find a calculator program. Otherwise, please follow the links in my signature.

Please, if anyone could give me assembly code for a calculator it would be a great help . I am using mips...
Thanks in advance.:-|


My 1st post...I was looking for something myself and saw your request:

I built a DOS mouse calculator in MASM.
Probably circa 1988....yes I'm an old
16 digit and 16 decimal places.
2 memories.
Totally 8086 code and therefore no 8087 routines.
All functions, sin, cos, sq root, etc. done without math copro.
Display routine codes would need to be altered for todays use.
Your welcome to the asm code.....all I have to do is find it on my DOS6.22 drive.

PM me if you still need it.

Thanks for replying !
i would be grateful if you could send it.
You see, I am trying myself but sometimes there are points in the code that confuse me and i can't continue. i have a deadline too...
Once again ,
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for replying !
i would be grateful if you could send it.
You see, I am trying myself but sometimes there are points in the code that confuse me and i can't continue. i have a deadline too...
Once again ,
Thanks in advance.


I've temporarily loaded to:

Took me this long to find it.
Started in 1990 and last updated in 1993. [no cut and paste editors then].
There is a special hell for those that don't add lots of comments....guess I'm goin there in a
As I said it is totally 8086 based [no 8087 math co-pro] in Masm 5.1
As I tried it on a PII 500 the screen functions went out the window.
It would have to be run on a 286 machine for the video to work properly or be adjusted for Pentium. Feel fee to hack.

compile bat:
masm calc;
link calc;

That's it.

Hope this helps

i need calculator programming in assembly if any one has then plzzzzzzzz send me on this email
<snip email>


The old link is bad.....don't own that domain any longer.
MCALC203 can be found here:

On old XT's there was limited room for writing/editing so I built my own editor. This allowed me to load and work on several sections of a program at the same time and then join them. These sequentially numbered sections I named Slices. In the zip you'll find the files; Slice0.001 to Slice0.011 ....they need to be joined for your windows editor use.
In the zip you'll find glue.exe. This was the basic DOS program to glue these slices together. It is pure DOS as well so don't attempt in windoze. Use a bootable DOS floppy or maybe join them with notepad++.

Hope this helps

commented: a), not reading the OP, which asked for MIPS, not fossilied x86, and b) providing complete answers on a plate for anyone who says "plzzzzzzzzz" -6
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