Hope you are doing excellent.
I have developed a small commercial application in VB+MSAccess.

Now, I want to sale it with trial version and registered version.

However, I am not getting a perfect logic to write in VB to design a Product Registration Code!

Please guide me in this regard. Thank you very much.



Hope you are doing excellent.
I have developed a small commercial application in VB+MSAccess.

Now, I want to sale it with trial version and registered version.

However, I am not getting a perfect logic to write in VB to design a Product Registration Code!

Please guide me in this regard. Thank you very much.


Member Avatar for Dukane

You could make an algorithm where the numbers in the code must add to be a multiple of 7. This is used by the Visual Basic .NET setup project.

For instance:
0052-1411-3210-7000 would be a product key as the digits all add to 7.
As would be 1114-8600-9831-9984. Because the first set of digits add to 7, the second set to 14, the third to 21 and the last to 28.

You can use this open source solution so you can change the code that protects your software so it isn't as easy to crack, because every program is never 100% protected. It just depends on how "wanted/needed" your application is in the pirate community.

Anyways, I've been using it alot myself and was once a project administrator.

Visit www.activelocksoftware.com they have a great forum to ask questions that may come up.

Thank u very much for the positive reply along with the proper site address.

Well, Can I something more about your profession, location and work profile?

I am Software Engineer from Pune, INDIA.

Thank u very much for the reply along with the code logic. But I know we can have such type of logic in it.

What I want is, once I will run setup on client's machine and then will register the product, then client should not be able to reuse of that registration code on same or any other machine, even though he will have a copy of setup with him.

So, can we use some machine code to generate registration code dynamically? Or any other such machine dependent alternative?

Well, Can I know something more about your profession, location and work profile?

I am Software Engineer from Pune, INDIA.

Member Avatar for Dukane

When someone clicks the "Register" button, the program connects to a database. If that entered key is already in the database, deny the registration. If it is not, then check to see if the correct algorithm is met. If not, deny the registration. If it is, the unlock the software and then enter the entry into the database thereby locking out any further attempts to register using that code. Then keep the authentication algoritm a secret so someone cannot guess it.

hello i can help you to create and check the License keys provided you mail me at neerajraja2001@yahoo.co.in and i will give you the code and tech you to implement this for free.

You could make an algorithm where the numbers in the code must add to be a multiple of 7. This is used by the Visual Basic .NET setup project.

For instance:
0052-1411-3210-7000 would be a product key as the digits all add to 7.
As would be 1114-8600-9831-9984. Because the first set of digits add to 7, the second set to 14, the third to 21 and the last to 28.

Hello all can you help me up with this guys.. i have this application with a product id which is in Hexadecimal format..wat i mean is an alphanumeric format.. and it is asking for a product key.. how can i suppose to know the product key?

can you give me some idea how to calculate this or convert this so that it will come up with the right product key..

Product Key = Product Id

Advance thanks to u all..

Have you looked at tools like CryptoLicensing which give a ready-made licensing scheme for you to use? This scheme can be used for trial + full licenses.

i am cusomer lname & fname accepted by user as indiviual textboxes .
i want to concatnate them &n show into one combobox
please give the code for it

you can create your own activation program based:
Here is one article decribing different ways to create the application with trial version and when you click register or activate, then the program checked for the "is correct registration"

you should use the logic for making the activation like:
the first four character must be same for all different serial and some more like it, remember only you must know the way that you are creating your registration, for example: (x → any no., y → any alphabet, a,b,c,... → same )
so what this show that the character will be similar to this, and all so...

One more note: Your serial must not include any relation with your company name, address, or else reason is hacker will check it first.

Best of luck :) for publishing your own program

how to activate acm satellite pro software

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