I've heard C is pretty popular to program in. And I'm hoping that fact will help me since the community should be pretty big. Only programing I've ever done was years ago in QBASIC....yeah, I'm in the deep end >.>

I want to make a simple window, with a search bar. By putting in either Hiragana, Romanji or English, it brings a pop-up with all 3.

I was hoping there may be a template, or tutorial or something of a simple window and search box, so I could copy the code and just make the strings?

Also can you download C for free?

that is a pretty tall order for someone who knows absolutely nothing about c language. Instead of jumping into deep water where you can not possibly swim, start at the beginning. Read a stuff the information here and you will be on your way. ~S.O.S.~ and others have posted some really good information there about how to get started.

>>Also can you download C for free?
no, but you can download c compilers for free. Dev-C++ is good for beginners. There are others but somewhat more complicated to use.

>I've heard C is pretty popular to program in.
For the enlightened, yes. :)

>I want to make a simple window, with a search bar. By putting in either
>Hiragana, Romanji or English, it brings a pop-up with all 3.
You can certainly work toward that goal, but it's best to start smaller. At the very least you need to know a GUI library to write the window, a database library to link with the database of matching words, and enough C to pull it all together. It's not a project I would call difficult, but it's not trivial for a beginner either.

>I was hoping there may be a template, or tutorial or something of a simple
> window and search box, so I could copy the code and just make the strings?
If you don't want to write any code or learn how to do this, I'm sure you can toss somebody $10 on rentacoder.com. Sadly, there aren't templates for the majority of projects, so you'll have to learn enough to write the code. Also, if there were a template, you would still need to know enough to use it correctly. Cut and paste is a notoriously bad way to program. ;)

>Also can you download C for free?
C is free (as in beer), but you need a compiler. Fortunately, compilers are available for download for free (as in freedom). ;)

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