I'm looking for a C++ certification course, but there seems to be about 1001 offerings on the net, and the last thing I want to do is spend my money on something that employers won't recognise as legitimate.

Could anyone please recommend some of the courses/companies out there that I can actually put on a resume?

In addition to C++, I'm also looking for certifications in Linux programming, possibly Assembly, and Cisco.

I'm looking for a C++ certification course, but there seems to be about 1001 offerings on the net, and the last thing I want to do is spend my money on something that employers won't recognise as legitimate.

You can get a very good job without a certification in C++ and at the same time you might not get a job with a certification in C++. I personally think it doesn't really matter much. I haven't seen anyone got a job on the basis of some online certification in C++.

Could anyone please recommend some of the courses/companies out there that I can actually put on a resume?

For this you have to apply to some job site. There are lot out there. One which I have used is Monster. Satisfied with the service.

In addition to C++, I'm also looking for certifications in Linux programming, possibly Assembly, and Cisco.

I think you should move slowly. keep one step a time.

I pretty much agree with sunnypalsingh. In 30+ years I've never met anyone certified in software languages. Only in hardware and hardware related things like networking and A+, and stuff like that. Put your money into a class instead where you can get help directly from a live human instructor. Or at least mostly human. ;)

Certification on its own won't help you in most countries (though in India it's all the hype it seems, reflecting how things were in Europe and America 5-10 years ago).

In fact at least one company I worked for had a set policy to NOT hire people with certifications unless they had at least 5 years of practical experience backing up each of them.
Too much bad experience with kids who had tons of certs and no experience messing up royally when let loose on jobs their papers said they should be capable of doing but weren't.

I've been in the industry for a decade, have one cert and am in the final stages of working on a second.
Most people I work(ed) with either have none or work at roughly the same pace.

Get a GOOD education, the certs will come later. A quick online course to cram your head full of knowledge you won't retain and followed rapidly by an exam that gives you a piece of paper is worse than nothing.
You'll have a piece of paper, but neither knowledge nor money.
That piece of paper might get you a job but you'll soon be found out to not know what that piece of paper says you should, and certainly be unable to apply that knowledge to practical problems.
You'll end up fired, maybe even with a lawsuit for falsely representing yourself (seen that happen once), with the end result that you'll have a much harder job ever finding employment again (people who get fired for poor performance are not generally hired easily elsewhere, word tends to spread around about them).

Thanks for the tips. If I do decide to go with one, fortunately, they aren't expensive.

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