I want TASM code to show the real time in the screen in a sample way

thanks :-|

see int 21, function 5700 and 5701. to get current date/time

Once you get that, then learn how to convert the data in the registers to human readable form. If you read some of the other threads here there are example of how to do that.

Thank you very much, I really get new concepts about the interrupts
Since you replayed, I have tried many times but I get errors in every time
Because the pages you gave me about MSAM

I want the code with tasm since that it is the only I know
I am beginner
At least I want the code to convert from hex to dec also how to show the result on the screen

Any help I would appreciate
Your forum is the only one that gives me an answer
Thank you

Thank you very much, I really get new concepts about the interrupts
Since you replayed, I have tried many times but I get errors in every time
Because the pages you gave me about MSAM

I want the code with tasm since that it is the only I know
I am beginner
At least I want the code to convert from hex to dec also how to show the result on the screen

Any help I would appreciate
Your forum is the only one that gives me an answer
Thank you

If you tried several times you need to post your code so we can help you. Just giving you the code will not help you very much.

I believe task has a command-line switch you can set that will make it correctly interpret masm code. Its been too many years since I used it and don't recall what it is. And there isn't really all that much difference between tasm and masm, you should be able to easily interpret them youself anyway. 80x88 code is the same with all assmeblers.

The actual hardware RTC lives in the clock chip. Maybe you'd better think about how to retreive stuff out of that before worrying about diaplaying it on the screen. First things first.

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