Hi! I have to problems regarding VB6.0 and Access and some other applications...

1. I can not open a database from access.

Dim mydb1 as Database
Dim myrs1 as Recordset

Set mydb1 = OpenDatabase("MyDatabase.mdb")
Set myrs1 = mydb1.OpenRecordset("student")

The error appears on the bold text.

It says either "Unrecognized database format..." or "Couldn't find file..."
I am sure that I typed the filename properly, that it is located in the same folder as my program/project and that it is created in MS Access.

2. I can not open an application using VB6.0

My code is simply

Private Sub CmdGo_Click()
Shell Text1.Text, vbNormalFocus
End Sub

The user types the path and the program runs it. The program works for all applications except one. There is a bot program in this PC and it doesn't seem to run/load when I use my VB program. The window pops for a second and then disappears. Are there limitations to which kinds/types of programs/applications VB can open/run/load? Hope you can help me. Thanks!

well first you have to do is apply the references to Dao in the menu project -> references and selecting
Microsoft Dao 3.x Object Library then the code:

Dim MyDb1 as Dao.Database
Dim MyRs1 as Dao.Recordset

Set MyRs1 = Mydb1.OpenRecordset("student")
... well here the rest of your code for the query

then on the form load: (this is the first line runs so don`t forget, because this for open the database before to do the recordset!)
Set MyDb1 =OpenDatabase(App.path & "\MyDatabase.mdb")

remember save the project first and put the DB on the same diretory of your project , if you don't do `t no works because App.path get
C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98 as default
am i guest your Bd is another place!

Make sure you have the latest drivers (think JET4.0) from microsoft.

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