Hey, i am trying to do a sort in C++. I have a strucutre of different records such as Quote number, Surname, Total cost and Deliverycost. I am trying to sort in order of Quote Number. Im using a bubble sort to do this:

for(i = 1; (i <= LastRefNum) && flag; i++)
  flag = 0;
  for (j=0; j < LastRefNum; j++)
   if (Quote[j+1].RefNumber < Quote[j].RefNumber)
    //Swap the records here

Its the swapping thats the problem. It works for the quote number, and costs but the names won't swap. Im using this code to swap the int's places:

RefnumberTemp = Quote[j].RefNumber;
Quote[j].RefNumber = Quote[j+1].RefNumber;
Quote[j+1].RefNumber = RefnumberTemp;

And i am using this for the surname:

strcpy (SurnameTemp, Quote[j].Surname);
strcpy (Quote[j+1].Surname, Quote[j].Surname);
strcpy (SurnameTemp, Quote[j+1].Surname);

I dont think tis algorithym is working though. Any help greatful. Thanks.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Are the names defined as std::strings or char[].

If it is char[] don't forget you need to use strcmp to actually compare them.

If you are using std::string you can overload the > operator.

Are the names defined as std::strings or char[]

They are defined as char[],

So i compare them first, and then swap them? The swap doesn't seem to work though.

And why do i need to compare them before i swap them?

Thanks, Ian

Member Avatar for iamthwee

RefnumberTemp = Quote[j].RefNumber;
Quote[j].RefNumber = Quote[j+1].RefNumber;
Quote[j+1].RefNumber = RefnumberTemp;

Assuming the above logic works shouldn't it the the below?

strcpy (SurnameTemp, Quote[j].Surname);
strcpy (Quote[j].Surname, Quote[j+1].Surname);
strcpy (Quote[j+1].Surname,SurnameTemp);

Since structure assignment is supported, just do

temp = Quote[j+1];
Quote[j+1] = Quote[j];
Quote[j] = temp;

where temp is the same type as the struct used for your array.

Worked perfect, thanks guys.

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