HI Everybody

I need .NET basic interview questions urgently.I will goto an interview on saturday.


sonalid1701 commented: Had the same query, glad I found this thread:D +0

Any specific part of .Net? Like ASP, C# or just a general overview?

If you know your stuff nothing should phase you. If you don't know the answer to a question don't guess, just say you don't know. You'll look less of an idiot.

Questions that always get me are like "Why do you want to work for this company?"

"Erm.. money?"

commented: Those questions get me too, man. +6

• Technical

#61607; .NET
- Define .NET architecture
- Where does ADO.NET and XML web services come in the architecture
- What is MSIL code
- Types of JIT and what is econo-JIT
- What is CTS, CLS and CLR
- Uses of CLR
- Difference between ASP and ASP.NET
- What are webservices, its attributes. Where they are available
- What is UDDI and how to register a web service
- Without UDDI, is it possible to access a remote web service
- How a web service is exposed to outside world
- What is boxing and unboxing
- What is WSDL and disco file
- What is web.config and machine.config
- What is difference between ASP and ASP.NET
- What is dataset and uses of dataset
- What does ADO.NET consists of?
- What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET
- What do you mean by passport authentication and windows authentication
- What is an assembly and what does manifest consists
- What is strong name and what is the purpose of strong name
- What are various types of assemblies
- Difference between VB.NET and C#. Which is faster
- Types of caching
- How WSDL is stored
- What is the key feature of ADO.NET compared to ADO
- How does dataset acts in a disconnected fashion
- Does the following statement executes successfully:
Response.Write(“value of i = ” + i);
- What is ODP.NET
- What are the providers available with VS.NET
- What is a process
- What is binding in web service
- How a proxy is generated for a web service
- About delegates
- What are static assemblies and dynamic assemlies. Differences between them

#61607; Database
- What are the types of triggers
- Types of locks in database
- Types of indexes. What is the default key created when a primary key is created in a table
- What is clustered, non-clustured and unique index. How many indexes can be created on a table
- Can we create non-clustured index on a clustered index
- Types of backups
- What is INSTEAD OF trigger
- What is difference between triggers and stored procedures. And advantages of SP over triggers
- What is DTS and purpose of DTS
- Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table
- Types of joins.
- What is currency type in database
- What are nested triggers
- What is a heap related to database

#61607; General

• HR
- About yourdelf
- About procsses followed
- Notice period
- Appraisal process
- What is SOAP and why it is required
- About effort estimation
- Whether salary negotiable
- Why are looking for a change
- How fo you appraise a person
- Do you think CMM process takes time
- About peer reviews
- How do you communicate with TL / PM / Onsite team

You can actually read and download a collection of .NET questions from here

The guy already had his interview, binoj_daniel. You're a year late.

The guy already had his interview, binoj_daniel. You're a year late.

But someone else can benefit out of this. As you came back to read this post someone else will also do.

>But someone else can benefit out of this.
Not really. Knowing umpteen interview questions is pointless if you don't understand the language well enough to answer them anyway. Nor does it help if you memorize umpteen interview questions, but the interviewer doesn't ask those questions.

>As you came back to read this post someone else will also do.
I only read it because you bumped it back to the top of the list.

>But someone else can benefit out of this.
Not really. Knowing umpteen interview questions is pointless if you don't understand the language well enough to answer them anyway. Nor does it help if you memorize umpteen interview questions, but the interviewer doesn't ask those questions.

>As you came back to read this post someone else will also do.
I only read it because you bumped it back to the top of the list.

Well, if you got problem with this, I cannot help. Iam not here to debate. I have better things to do. May be its your job to pick and post on each post on daniweb.

Anyways enjoy!

4 year old post. I'm guessing he's already had the interview.

HI Everybody

I need .NET basic interview questions urgently.I will goto an interview on saturday.


I have compiled a list of frequently asked C# Interview Questions and Answers by topic. Please check the URL below. These are useful for a fresher as well as for a senior developer role.

What's the difference between IEnumerable and List?

New features in c# 4.0

Give an example for explicit interface implementation

Difference between EXE and DLL

Unit Testing a private static method in C# .NET using an example

How to Unit Test private methods in C# .NET

What are the problems of multiple class inheritance

Difference between an abstract class and an interface

Where did you use delegates in your project

C# Interview Questions on Delegates

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