
hav jsut started with learnin c++ programmin, am using the dev c++ compiler(if u knw a better one plz tell me)...i just learnt basic graphics using the library graphics.h. I hav heard its a very old library but i dont knw of any other one's, so plz guide me as to which library should i use.

i made an XnO game(without any graphics). now i want to incorporate graphics into it. Using graphics.h i created an intro screen. Now am trying to display something the user enters onto the graphics screen. like if am accepting his initial into 'a' and want to display it. How should i do it

used :-

outtextxy(13,13,a) - but its givin the below error

invalid conversion from `char' to `char*'

how do i correct this??

graphics.h is a Borland-specific header file and not supported by any other compiler. When you write Windows programs you must use win32 api graphics functions, which are completly different than those you learned with graphics.h.


Now am trying to display something the user enters onto the graphics screen. like if am accepting his initial into 'a' and want to display it. How should i do it

used :-

I think it would be.

outtextxy(13,13,a) - but its givin the below error

I think it might be.


Or you can do


Also, if you plan on printing out integers in graphics mode, they need to be converted into a string

dev c++ compiler does not support any of the functions in graphics.h. You need more than just a .h file -- you will also need a *.lib library file which dev c++ does not support. So even if you get your program to compile it will not link due to lack of libraries.

If you really want to use functions in graphics.h then you have a couple options: (1) use old version of Turbo C/C++ or (2) Upgrade to newest version of Turbo C (I don't know if that version supports graphics.h or not, I doubt it because I think Borland made a 32-bit compiler out of it and graphic.h was for 16-bit MS-DOS operating system)

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Well, Borland BGI is available till version 5 of Borland C++ Builder and available with every turbo c++(except the latest 2006 version).

BGI is crap and there is no guarantee that your current code compiles with current dev c++ compiler.

You should rather use system API and DirectX and OpenGL whiich are. I dont have much idea of all these things, but these are most popular.

If you want to use bgi, you can get turbo c++(an older version) for free from borland.

dev c++ compiler does not support any of the functions in graphics.h. You need more than just a .h file -- you will also need a *.lib library file which dev c++ does not support. So even if you get your program to compile it will not link due to lack of libraries.

If you really want to use functions in graphics.h then you have a couple options: (1) use old version of Turbo C/C++ or (2) Upgrade to newest version of Turbo C (I don't know if that version supports graphics.h or not, I doubt it because I think Borland made a 32-bit compiler out of it and graphic.h was for 16-bit MS-DOS operating system)

yes i knw tat dev c++ compiler in its basic form does not support graphics.h but they have the option where if the .h file is added and the .lib files also included graphics.h works in it...

ok...am downloading turbo c++ and shifting to it...thx

hey, how bout if u try to make it outtextxy(13,13,"a") instead......this function, as far as i know doesn't work without quotes.......

hey, how bout if u try to make it outtextxy(13,13,"a") instead......this function, as far as i know doesn't work without quotes.......

I think it might be.

All you need to do is read his request:

Now am trying to display something the user enters onto the graphics screen. like if am accepting his initial into 'a' and want to display it. How should i do it

'a' is a variable. It contains what the user typed in. You don't use double quotes around a variable if you want to display what was entered. abhijit11 used the function correctly -- unless he defined 'a' as a single character. But we don't know that. ;)

All you need to do is read his request:

'a' is a variable. It contains what the user typed in. You don't use double quotes around a variable if you want to display what was entered. abhijit11 used the function correctly -- unless he defined 'a' as a single character. But we don't know that. ;)

Oh well, the second half of my post would have worked if the OP hadn't.

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