What is the word 2003 visual basic code for converting a selected text to a number, and a number to text?

in VB its
to convert to numeric
and to convert numeric values to a string its.

Thanks. I'll try it. I just did and it doesn't work. I am probably asking the wrong question. If the selection is in words, e.g., "ONE" without the quotes, how do I convert it to the number "1" without the quotes? VAL(Selection) does not work. And if the defined term is a number, e.g., "2" without the quotes, how do I convert it to the word, "TWO" without the quotes?

the only way i could think of doin that would be to set up an array full with the word and the number and then jst using the array to convert back and forth other then that i dont think there is a function built in to do what you want. good luck

That can't be right as I used to be able to do it with Word six years ago and I can't believe they have discarded such a function.

well if it was there back then im sure there is away you can do it. i didnt relize you where talking about vba sorry. i dont know any of the extra stuff they add into vba really sorry

Private Type typLongHandNumber
ones As String
tens As String
End Type

Dim LongHandNumber(9) As typLongHandNumber
Dim LongHandForm(9) As String
Dim teens(10 To 19) As String

Function InitSystem()
LongHandNumber(0).ones = ""
LongHandNumber(0).tens = ""
LongHandNumber(1).ones = "one"
LongHandNumber(1).tens = "{special}"
LongHandNumber(2).ones = "two"
LongHandNumber(2).tens = "twenty"
LongHandNumber(3).ones = "three"
LongHandNumber(3).tens = "thirty"
LongHandNumber(4).ones = "four"
LongHandNumber(4).tens = "forty"
LongHandNumber(5).ones = "five"
LongHandNumber(5).tens = "fifty"
LongHandNumber(6).ones = "six"
LongHandNumber(6).tens = "sixty"
LongHandNumber(7).ones = "seven"
LongHandNumber(7).tens = "seventy"
LongHandNumber(8).ones = "eight"
LongHandNumber(8).tens = "eighty"
LongHandNumber(9).ones = "nine"
LongHandNumber(9).tens = "ninty"

LongHandForm(0) = ""
LongHandForm(1) = "Thousand "
LongHandForm(2) = "Million "
LongHandForm(3) = "Billion "
LongHandForm(4) = "Tillion "

teens(10) = "ten"
teens(11) = "eleven"
teens(12) = "twelve"
teens(13) = "thirteen"
teens(14) = "fourteen"
teens(15) = "fifteen"
teens(16) = "sixteen"
teens(17) = "seventeen"
teens(18) = "eighteen"
teens(19) = "nineteen"

End Function
Function Convert(dblnumber As Double) As String
' for easy of use I will add a place val counter
Dim placectr  As Integer
Dim strNumber As String
Dim strNumlen As Integer
Dim getit As Integer
Dim curplace As String
Dim tempform As String
Dim customlen As Integer
Dim isloc As Integer
isloc = 2
customlen = 0

strNumber = Trim(Str(dblnumber))
strNumlen = Len(strNumber)
If strNumlen < 3 Then isloc = 0

For getit = strNumlen - isloc To -1 Step -3

If (strNumlen - getit) < 0 Then customlen = strNumlen - 3
If isloc <> 2 Then customlen = strNumlen

If customlen = 0 Then
curplace = Mid(strNumber, getit, 3)
curplace = Mid(strNumber, 1, customlen)
End If
tempform = GrabLongHand(curplace, placectr) & tempform
If getit <= 2 And strNumlen < 3 Then Exit For
placectr = placectr + 1
Next getit
Convert = tempform
End Function
Function GrabLongHand(digits As String, placeval As Integer) As String
Dim compile As Integer
Dim digitlen As Integer
Dim teen As String
Dim tempform As String
Dim tempbyte As Integer
digitlen = Len(digits)

If digitlen = 2 Then
If Mid(digits, 1, 1) = "1" Then

teen = teens(Val(Mid(digits, 1, 2)))
GrabLongHand = teen & " " & LongHandForm(placeval) & " "
Exit Function
End If
End If
If digitlen = 3 Then
If Mid(digits, 2, 1) = "1" Then
teen = teens(Val(Mid(digits, 2, 2)))
GrabLongHand = LongHandNumber(Val(Mid(digits, 1, 1))).ones & " Hundred " & teen & " " & LongHandForm(placeval) & " "
Exit Function
End If
End If

For compile = digitlen To 1 Step -1
tempbyte = Val(Mid(digits, compile, 1))

If compile = digitlen - 1 Then
tempform = LongHandNumber(tempbyte).tens & " " & tempform
If (compile = 1 And digitlen = 3) Then
tempform = LongHandNumber(tempbyte).ones & " Hundred " & tempform
tempform = LongHandNumber(tempbyte).ones & " " & tempform
End If
End If
Next compile
tempform = tempform & LongHandForm(placeval)
GrabLongHand = tempform
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Label1.Caption = Convert(Val(Text1.Text))
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

yea... I was bored :-p, hmm, apprently you can't edit posts... can I use vb tags?

i think all you can use is jst the code tags. i dont believe we have the vbcode tages here

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