i hav calculated a value(years).Now i want 2 merge it with an attribute of table(ml_y2 wher 2 is year).So i want 2 merge ml_y and 2.then i want 2 find the value of ml_y2 frm a table....plzzzzzzzz help me .can i do somthing like this in MY SQL???

uh, you want to do WHAT?

You make about as much sense as a monkey typing away on a keyboard all on his own without the other infinite amount of monkeys he's working with to create the combined works of Shakespeare.

i hav calculated a value(years).Now i want 2 merge it with an attribute of table(ml_y2 wher 2 is year).So i want 2 merge ml_y and 2.then i want 2 find the value of ml_y2 frm a table....plzzzzzzzz help me .can i do somthing like this in MY SQL???

Try to explain in details, because what you give us si unusuable. From first view this looks like question about MySQL qeuries than anything related to Java

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