Hi all, i'm making a client-server concurrent in C.
the client send me 2 binary number and an operator.
I'll must send him the result and if there's overflow, underflow.

i have made all the initial part of setting the server, children pool and so on.

i receive 2 binary number, each one is on 1 byte.

i store the number into socket buffer (it's a string) and later i sscanf the buf and take out the numbers.

the client give me the operator (+-*/) and the 2 numbers,
i think of making a switch analising the operator and make the opportune operation.

if someone can give me the source of binary operation in C i'm so happy.
because this homework isn't little, and this part is only a little part. thanks in advance.

>because this homework isn't little, and this part is only a little part.
Rationalize cheating however you want, but we won't spoonfeed you.

friend Complex operator+(Complex &operand);

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