
I have a simple code written in MIPS assembly that reads an integer from a user and displays it to the screen. The code is as follows:

     la         $a0, in_msg
     li         $v0, 4
     li         $v0, 5
     move       $t0, $v0
     la         $a0, out_msg
     li         $v0, 4

     move       $a0, $t0
     li         $v0, 1
     li         $v0, 10

     in_msg:    .asciiz "Input: "
     out_msg:   .asciiz "\nOutput:\n-------\n"

How can I convert this decimal value to a binary?

Thank you in advance.

I am currently trying to work on this. If anyone can help...it would be greatly appreciated.

Post what you've got and what part of it is giving you trouble.

Post what you've got and what part of it is giving you trouble.

I figured it out:

# Brent Wagner

ask_str1: .asciiz "Enter a number PLEASE: "
result_str: .asciiz ""
.align 2

.globl __start

# ask and store the first number
li $v0, 4
la $a0, ask_str1
li $v0, 5
move $a0, $v0

jal print_bin

# New Line
li $v0, 11
li $a0, 10

j __start


add $t0, $zero, $a0 # put our input ($a0) into $t0
add $t1, $zero, $zero # Zero out $t1
addi $t3, $zero, 1 # load 1 as a mask
sll $t3, $t3, 31 # move the mask to appropriate position
addi $t4, $zero, 32 # loop counter

and $t1, $t0, $t3 # and the input with the mask
beq $t1, $zero, print # Branch to print if its 0

add $t1, $zero, $zero # Zero out $t1
addi $t1, $zero, 1 # Put a 1 in $t1
j print

print: li $v0, 1
move $a0, $t1

srl $t3, $t3, 1
addi $t4, $t4, -1
bne $t4, $zero, loop

jr $ra

Post what you've got and what part of it is giving you trouble.

I figured it out:

# Brent Wagner

ask_str1: .asciiz "Enter a number PLEASE: "
result_str: .asciiz ""
.align 2

.globl __start

# ask and store the first number
li $v0, 4
la $a0, ask_str1
li $v0, 5
move $a0, $v0

jal print_bin

# New Line
li $v0, 11
li $a0, 10

j __start


add $t0, $zero, $a0 # put our input ($a0) into $t0
add $t1, $zero, $zero # Zero out $t1
addi $t3, $zero, 1 # load 1 as a mask
sll $t3, $t3, 31 # move the mask to appropriate position
addi $t4, $zero, 32 # loop counter

and $t1, $t0, $t3 # and the input with the mask
beq $t1, $zero, print # Branch to print if its 0

add $t1, $zero, $zero # Zero out $t1
addi $t1, $zero, 1 # Put a 1 in $t1
j print

print: li $v0, 1
move $a0, $t1

srl $t3, $t3, 1
addi $t4, $t4, -1
bne $t4, $zero, loop

jr $ra

could someone briefly describe how this MIPS code works please?

i get the syscalls, and the registers and all.. but how does it actually convert the decimal into binary? I cant seem to understand the logic behind it..

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