I am upgrading a vb 6.0 app to .net and I'm having trouble moving a file. The app retrieves info from an XML. When it's done I try to move the .xml file to a history folder and I'm getting an error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
How do I release the file?
Here's my code

Dim root As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
    Dim objXMLdoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30()
            objXMLdoc.async = False
            root = objXMLdoc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild
            GetXMLData() 'USES XPATH... TO RETRIEVE DATA
            OutPutRecord() 'outputs retrieved data to an SQL Database
    Public Function MoveFile(ByVal strfile As String) As Boolean
        Dim objfile As New FileInfo(strfile)
        'Return True
        '   Return False
        '  End Try
    End Function

You are still referencing the file thru the objXMLdoc. Try this

            objXMLdoc.async = False
            root = objXMLdoc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild
            GetXMLData() 'USES XPATH... TO RETRIEVE DATA
            OutPutRecord() 'outputs retrieved data to an SQL Database
            objXMLdoc = Nothing

It turns out I did not show enough of my code in the first post. The process was actually croaking in another section altogether. There is another spot that I create an XML using FSO. I converted it to StreamWriter and I'm up and rolling! Well I'm ready to tackle the next challenge in the app!

Thanks Wayne

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