hello again,
I've run into a problem in overloading << and >>. Within the definition when compiling its saying that 'real' and 'imaginary' are undeclared, these errors are in lines 45(real), 46(imaginary) and 57(both). Whats wrong here? And if you could please let me know how to correct this.

Heres the header file.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Complex
            Complex(double real, double imaginary);
            Complex(double real);
            const Complex operator +(const Complex& value) const;
            const Complex operator -(const Complex& value) const;
            const Complex operator -() const;
            const Complex operator *(const Complex& value) const;
            friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outputStream, const Complex value);
            friend istream& operator >>(istream& inputStream, Complex value);

            double real;
            double imaginary;               

Here is the .cpp file the errors are actually in.

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
#include "Complex.h"
Complex::Complex(): real(0), imaginary(0)
{                   }
Complex::Complex(double realPart, double imaginaryPart): real(realPart), imaginary(imaginaryPart)
{                       }
Complex::Complex(double realPart): real(realPart), imaginary(0)
{                       }
const Complex Complex::operator +(const Complex& secondValue) const
      double realSum, imaginarySum;
      realSum = real + secondValue.real;
      imaginarySum = imaginary + secondValue.imaginary;

      return Complex(realSum, imaginarySum);
const Complex Complex::operator -(const Complex& secondValue) const
      double realDiff, imaginaryDiff;
      realDiff = real - secondValue.real;
      imaginaryDiff = imaginary - secondValue.imaginary;

      return Complex(realDiff, imaginaryDiff);
const Complex Complex::operator -() const
      return Complex(-real, -imaginary);
// just a reminder that complex multiplication is defined as:
// (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac-bd) + (ad-bc)i.
// [url]http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ComplexMultiplication.html[/url]
const Complex Complex::operator *(const Complex& secondValue) const
      double realProduct, imaginaryProduct;
      realProduct = real*secondValue.real-imaginary*secondValue.imaginary;
      imaginaryProduct = real*secondValue.imaginary-imaginary*secondValue.real;

      return Complex(realProduct, imaginaryProduct);
ostream& operator <<(ostream& outputStream, const Complex& value)
      outputStream << real;
      if (imaginary < 0)
         outputStream << "-";
         outputStream << "+";
      outputStream << imaginary << "i";

      return outputStream;
istream& operator >>(istream& inputStream, const Complex& value)
      char sign, i;
      inputStream >> real >> sign >> imaginary >> i;
      if (sign == '-')
          imaginary = -imaginary;

      return inputStream;

Thank you in advance.

Ancient Dragon commented: thanks for taking the time to learn how to use code tags +13

line 45 should be like this: (use the value object) outputStream << value.real;

ok, i had tried that and then i got an error because real and imaginary are private
i found it, thx though, in the header the '&' is missing from both << and >> and there is a const in the .cpp file that shouldnt be there. sorry =P

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