i have a small project with oledb (access) connection how can i make exe file to allat the same meaninig i have to deploy the project to work on any pc without change the path or the connection.

i did it but i get errors cuase it was belong to the path i wrote it

specify the path to C:\Program Files\(and the folder name of your project) As when you deploy your project all the files will be sitting at the ProgramFiles section. Do you add up the Access file when you setup the project?

thanx for ur help but can u write the steps exactly what i have to do cause what i did is like the following
i create a new project and setup project didnt work
i get the exe files from release

if u can help me plz thanx alot

dim x as new oledbconnection
x.connection string="provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;datasource= application.startup path & "\name of database.mdb"

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