is there a way for me to know if a computer is idle for a certain time? using c#. thanks

im not sure if a machine will ever be 100% idle but you can watch process so you could easily watch the System Idle Process which gives the % of system that is idle at the current moment in time.

i cant quite remember the namespace right now but one of them gives you access to watching processes.

i decided that my definition of idle is no activity from keyboard and mouse. is there a way to monitor if there is no activity coming from those input devices?

i decided that my definition of idle is no activity from keyboard and mouse. is there a way to monitor if there is no activity coming from those input devices?

you may be able to monitor it through the use of a mouse/keyboard hook.

i have no personal experience doing this but that doesnt mean it cannot be done!

look into hooking the keyboard/mouse and see what you can / can't find.

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