Kindly please help me on how to make a VB6.0 EXE To run when there is no visual basic 6.0 installed on a computer!
Thank you!

or what can i do to run a visual basic program to the computer where there is no vb software installed!

Open up Visual Basic on your pc

In the file menu there should be an option that sounds something like "Make projectname.exe". Choose that. An .exe file will now appear in your project's directory and can be distributed to clients who do not have visual basic. Alternatively you can use the Setup & Deplyoment wizard (check vb6's section in the start menu)

Open up Visual Basic on your pc

In the file menu there should be an option that sounds something like "Make projectname.exe". Choose that. An .exe file will now appear in your project's directory and can be distributed to clients who do not have visual basic. Alternatively you can use the Setup & Deplyoment wizard (check vb6's section in the start menu)

projectname.exe isn't enough to make apps run on other computers because those computers may lack some components needed by the app (vb components for example). The best way is to run the Setup & Deployment Wizard and include those components into the installer.

Thank you but i cant run vb exe on the other computer without vb!

You need to build the install set using deployment wizard. This allows you to put togther all the files needed, specify install directory, etc. Just as if are buying software. The files are usually written to an install directory, from which you can copy them to cd, memory stick, whatever.

Thank you but i cant run vb exe on the other computer without vb!

You will need the runtime files and maybe some other files. Some files are not allowed to be distributes such as the 'Form 2.0.dll'.

make sure you arent running the working model (free) version. That cant make .exes

search with google for "vbruntime files"

just install vb runtime on the computer

you dont need them if its over win98

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