How to get combobox.items from MS Access database?
I'm using ADOTable and Datasource to get database into DBGrid.

Dam, stupid me. Found the way out.

hi riaak i m facing the same problem.
can you plz help to sove it?

i m using ms access and java.

I want to retrieve values from database into combo box.
When I m trying to do this, only first value is getting displayed in combo box insted of list of all items.

can you plz help me with the code?

Thanx in advance...

don't use ordinary comboboc, use dbcombobox

Thanx for reply.

I am using netbeans.
how can i do it in that?
can u plz help me with code?

netbeans is java ide?
sorry, don't know anything about java


anyway Thanx for rply.

the answer seem have solved.

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