this is my first letter here in daniweb.plsss help...
actually Im only a beginner in VB.
i would like to make a form that can browse picture and text file that will be display in my form... I have a sample here but there are so many error. pleaseee kindly help me.....T_T

try to use the microsoft commondialog control and use SHOWOPEN method to open any file and display the same in any picture box or any richtextbox.

hello dear
hi i am new to vb .i wanna read the records from a .dbf file and store the records recordwise in a txt file.
no of txt files =generatedno of records
location of .dbf file is in c drive.
can u help me
kindly reply in readin .dbf files posted by me
u can send pvt msg also.
suneel kar

i have already replied to your question regarding that particular topic.

refer to that .

to those who reply my message, thx a lot for being nice...actually i ned a program of that..^_^ I cannot relate for those the way, thank you ....

i will look a sample program for


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