i get 3 build errors when i use the numbers, the simple payroll program aint so simple for me im using java tools in x-code

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

main() {

int employeeid;

int hoursworked;

float hourlyrate, grosspay, taxamount, netpay;

float const TAXRATE = 0.10;


cin >> employeeid;


cin >> hoursworked;


cin >> hourlyrate;

grosspay = hoursworked * hourlyrate;

taxamount = grosspay * TAXRATE;

netpay = grosspay - taxamount;

cout << "EMPLOYEE ID IS " << employeeid << endl;

cout << "THE HOURS WORKED ARE " << hoursworked << endl;

cout << "THE HOURLY RATE IS " << hourlyrate << endl;
cout << "THE GROSSPAY IS " << grosspay << endl;
cout << "THE TAXAMOUNT IS " << taxamount << endl;

cout << "THE NETPAY IS " << netpay << endl;

return 0;


what were the build errors ?

i dont know what the erreors were because i had problems figuring where the numbers go in the program......i have problems putting in the input so i cannot get the output.

i get 3 build errors when i use the numbers

i dont know what the erreors were because .

did you try to compile your program or didn't you ??? If you did then what were the errors that your compiler produced ?

i dont know what the erreors were because i had problems figuring where the numbers go in the program......i have problems putting in the input so i cannot get the output.

I'm using Xcode, too. Hit the Build and Go button on the toolbar, and you should get a popup window that looks like the attached image.

I'm using Xcode, too. Hit the Build and Go button on the toolbar, and you should get a popup window that looks like the attached image.

The 3 errors were:
1. Command/Developer/Private/jam failed with exit code 1
2. illegal character: \35
3. 'class'or 'interface' expected

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