I'm New to the VB.Net environment this is the fist program I've attempted to write. I am trying to display the first 150 records into a datagrid and then write the first 150 and the entire file into a CSV file and I'm stuck. I need to keep the column headings for future uploading. Any help would be appreciated.

Dim adparray() As String
        Dim i As Integer

        adparray = jobprocessing.Split(Environment.NewLine)

        Dim TABLES As New DataTable

        TABLES.Columns.Add("CUSTNO", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("CUST FNAME", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("CUST LNAME", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("FULL CUST NAME", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("ADDR", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("CITY", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("STATE", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("ZIP", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("LAST RO DATE", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("SOLD DATE", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("HOME PHONE", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("SERIAL", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("Keyword_Check", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES.Columns.Add("NAME FAIL", GetType(System.String))
        TABLES = ReadIntoTable("c:\INPUT FILES\" + IPfilename, TABLES)

        Dim ROW As DataRow
        Dim BADrecCount As Integer
        Dim GOODRECORD As Integer = 0
        Dim CUSTNO As String
        Dim CUSTNAMELEN As String
        Dim ADDR As String
        Dim CITY As String
        Dim STATE As String
        Dim ZIP As String
        Dim SVCDATE As String
        Dim SOLDDATE As String
        Dim HOMEPHONE As String
        Dim CUST_FULL_NAME As String
        Dim CUSTFN As String
        Dim CUSTLN As String
        Dim CUSTMID As String
        Dim BUSINESSCOUNT As Integer

        Dim keywords As String
        Dim keysid As String
        Dim keys As String
        Dim keyarray() As String

        ' loads the Keyword file into array and is used to match against it. 
        keywords = GetFileContents("c:\keywords\keywords.txt")
        keysid = keywords.Length

        keys = keywords.Substring(0, keywords.IndexOf Environment.NewLine))
        keyarray = keywords.Split(Environment.NewLine)
        TABLES.DefaultView.Sort = "CUSTNO"

        For Each n As String In adparray
            ListBox1.Items.Add(n.Remove(0, 1))

            n = n.Remove(0, 1)

            If n.StartsWith("CUSTNO") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 6)
                n = n.Trim
                GOODRECORD = 0
                ROW = TABLES.NewRow
                ROW("CUSTNO") = n
                GOODRECORD += 1
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("CUSTOMER NAME") Then
                CUSTNAMELEN = n.Length()
                n = n.Remove(0, 13)
                n = n.Trim

                CUSTNAMELEN = n.Length()
                CUSTMID = n.IndexOf(",")
                If CUSTMID >= 0 Then   'test to see if Customer name is seperated by a Comma. 
                    CUSTLN = n.Substring(0, CUSTMID)
                    CUSTFN = n.Substring(CUSTMID + 1, (CUSTNAMELEN - CUSTMID - 1))
                    CUST_FULL_NAME = (CUSTFN & " " & CUSTLN)

                    ROW("FULL CUST NAME") = CUST_FULL_NAME.Trim
                    ListBox4.Items.Add(Split(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(CUST_FULL_NAME, "\s+", Space(1))).Length - 1)
                    SPACECOUNT = Split(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(CUST_FULL_NAME, "\s+", Space(1))).Length - 1

                    ROW("CUST FNAME") = CUSTFN.Trim
                    ROW("CUST LNAME") = CUSTLN.Trim

                    GOODRECORD += 1
                End If
                If CUSTMID < 0 Then
                    ROW("CUST FNAME") = n
                    ROW("FULL CUST NAME") = n
                    GOODRECORD += 1
                End If
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("ADDR") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 4)
                n = n.Trim
                ROW("ADDR") = n
                GOODRECORD += 1
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("CITY") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 4)
                n = n.Trim
                ROW("CITY") = n
                GOODRECORD += 1
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("ST") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 2)
                n = n.Trim
                ROW("STATE") = n
                GOODRECORD += 1
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("ZIP") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 3)
                n = n.Trim
                ROW("ZIP") = n
                GOODRECORD += 1
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("VEH-LAST-SVC-DATE") Then
                Dim SHRTMO As String
                Dim Day As String
                Dim Year As String
                Dim fullmonth As Integer = 0

                Dim X As Integer

                n = n.Remove(0, 17)
                n = n.Trim
                SHRTMO = n.Substring(2, 3)
                Day = n.Substring(0, 2)
                Year = n.Substring(5, 2)

                Select Case SHRTMO.ToLower
                    Case "jan"
                        fullmonth = 1
                    Case "feb"
                        fullmonth = 2
                    Case "mar"
                        fullmonth = 3
                    Case "apr"
                        fullmonth = 4
                    Case "may"
                        fullmonth = 5
                    Case "jun"
                        fullmonth = 6
                    Case "jul"
                        fullmonth = 7
                    Case "aug"
                        fullmonth = 8
                    Case "sep"
                        fullmonth = 9
                    Case "oct"
                        fullmonth = 10
                    Case "nov"
                        fullmonth = 11
                    Case "dec"
                        fullmonth = 12
                End Select

                ROW("LAST RO DATE") = fullmonth & "/" & Day & "/" & Year
                GOODRECORD += 10
                ListBox3.Items.Add(ROW("LAST RO DATE"))
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("Sold Date") Or n.StartsWith("Sold.Date") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 9)
                n = n.Trim
                ROW("SOLD DATE") = n
                GOODRECORD += 10
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("SERIAL") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 6)
                n = n.Trim
                ROW("SERIAL") = n
                GOODRECORD += 1
            ElseIf n.StartsWith("HOME PHONE") Then
                n = n.Remove(0, 10)
                n = n.Trim
                ROW("HOME PHONE") = n
                GOODRECORD += 1

            End If

            If GOODRECORD = 8 Or GOODRECORD = 18 Or GOODRECORD = 28 Then
                totalrec += 1
                TextBox3.Text = totalrec

                GOODRECORD = 0
                Recordcounter += 1
                If Recordcounter = 150 Then
                    DataGrid1.DataSource = TABLES.DefaultView
                    Recordcounter = 0

                End If
            End If



You can read the article here to see how to export data into excel. More similar article will be posted soon. you can PM me for a customized one too.

Only Issue I have with Excel is the Record number delimiter that is built in somewhere around 50000 records. Alot of the files that I have are much larger than this. So I was hoping to export to a text file with with Tab Delimited. Any Ideas??

you can open a text stream writer and write the data to the text file.

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