
Is anybody know how to set textboxes in visual basic 6 in multi-languages. I want my textbox accept both english and arabic.

Thank you in advance!

set textbox Font property in whatever language u want. But u must know the font family of that language. for example i want to set textbox to marathi language then i set font property of that textbox to "Shusha".

simple :
use Two Command buttons as an example,

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Font = "Arial"
End Sub

Now whatevet types will show up in English

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Font = "Arabic"  ' Select any Arabic Font Name Her from Your System Fonts
End Sub

Now whatevet types will show up in Arabic

Can Use a List Box To Select Any Liat of Fonts.
use two command buttons for example :

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Font = "Arial"
End Sub

Now Whatever typed will show up in english

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Font = "Arabic"  ' Use the name of any Arabic Font From Your System Fonts here
End Sub ' To know the Font Name Open Notepat -- Format--Fonts
         'You will find the Arabic fonts here, Enter that Font Name as it is.

Can Use a List Box To use any Fonts.         
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