I have been asked to create a system where that can rate colleagues with colours

the colours are as follows starting with the highest first


the colleagues all will start on Orange.

now the tricky part.

If the colleague sells a quantity of 4 a week and had 0 or 1 rejects then he goes up to Blue and so on

But if the colleague sells a quatity of 4 and had 2 rejects then he stays on that colour

if the colleague gets up to silver they need to sell 6 and have 0 rejects to get up to gold.

but if they get any rejects they go back to silver.

ANYONE WITH ANY IDEAS HOW TO DO THIS would be gratefully helpful.




Probably the easiest is to use a datagrid; then you will have to compare the number of sales of the week and change the row accordingly.

Who is going to be inputting the data of the number of sales per peron? probably tat wil be the tricky part.

Hope it helps


Probably the easiest is to use a datagrid; then you will have to compare the number of sales of the week and change the row accordingly.

Who is going to be inputting the data of the number of sales per peron? probably tat wil be the tricky part.

Hope it helps

how would you code a datagrid to do that???

Have you not been given any training at all?

Do you know how to use Visual Studio to start a project?

Your first task before you code anything is to identify the objects. They become your classes the first obvious one is 'Colleague' do you know how to create a class in VB.NET?

to code in datagrid...
just drag& drop it from toolbox& to colour the datagrid based on the there sales(with orange,green,yellow...etc).use datagrid_itemdatabound function....
--------------------------write this code in pageload& just drop datagrid on form,,,
Private Sub LoadData()
Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM table1 order by ID "
Dim cnn As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("preeconn")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, New SqlConnection(cnn))
Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, cnn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
myCommand.Fill(ds, "table1")
datagrid1.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader
Dim sumTotal As Integer
sumTotal = ds.Tables(0).Compute("SUM(Age)", String.Empty).ToString
datagrid1.Columns(2).FooterText = "TOTAL: "
datagrid1.Columns(3).FooterText = sumTotal
End Sub

--------------And for datagrid_itemdatabound...then use this function..manipulate the functions based on ur requirements,,,

Protected Sub datagrid1_itemdatabound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles datagrid1.ItemDataBound
If (e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item) Or (e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then
Dim value As String = Trim(e.Item.DataItem("Sex"))
If Len(value) = 4 Then
e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Chocolate ' i is the index of the particular column
' 'e.Item.Cells(4).Text = "hai"
End If
End If
------------------if u have any prblm,just scrap it over here& w will solve it.....

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