Hey could someone please tell me whats wrong with this?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    const int sunday =7;
    const int monday =1;
    const int tuesday=2;
    const int wednesday =3;
    const int thursday =4;
    const int friday =5;
    const int saturday =6;
    int choice;
    cout <<" enter a day (1-7)";
    cin >> choice;
    if {choice == sunday || choice == saturday}
    cout << "\n Your ON WEEKENDS!!!\n"
    cout <<"\n hahahah shame your at school!!\n";
    return 0;

please help!!. and what is "int" by the way. I am a little confused

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You got the wrong type of brackets around the if statement. It should be () . You're missing a semicolon as well. Additionally, "your" should be "you're", which is now grammatically correct.

please help!!. and what is "int" by the way. I am a little confused

int = integer which is defining the the variable types, in this case weekdays, as integer variables.

You might want to do a little study. This question is almost too basic. Ripping off some else's code will get you just so far...
Oh, and lose the "text speak", it's very annoying.

>>and what is "int" by the way. I am a little confused
its a data type. Suggestion: read your text book occasionally.

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