Hi everyone...good day to you all....I am looking for more information about RR Scheduling....you see I started to do my project in our OS subject which is FCFS program and RR program....and I finish with FCFS program but the problem is I can't start the RR program because I don't really get the sequence of RR in putting it on a JAVA program.....I hope you help me to find more ideas or sequence about RR and how to convert it on a JAVA program......and thank you also to the people who will give a time to read this.....+_+marvel...philippines...

Fatally Cool Flocking Stuff and Restful Relaxation?

It might help to actually say what you want rather than throwing out a bunch of abbreviations. Also, spell out, step for step, what is needed in "RR", then start trying to explain these steps in Java terms.

I can guess, as it's only been asked like a million times before.
A few seconds using its favourite search engine should give it the answers it wants for its questions, but of course that's too much effort for it so it tries to trick people into doing its homework for it.

I am just asking for some ideas about RR Scheduling..I am not asking for its codes....

I am just asking for some ideas about RR Scheduling.. I am not asking for its codes....

so do your own research and come back when you have specific questions and know what RR actually is (because we don't, or rather we know a lot of things it could be, most of which it won't be and given the level of sanity of most kids asking questions here it's impossible to make an educated guess as to which it may be).

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