can anybody pls tell me the full examples of address operator overloading,assignment operator overloading stream insertion operator overloading and stream extraction operator overloading?

They all are coded the same way, pick one and you have all the others, just change the operator

int operator=(<parameter list here>)
  // blabla

the full +=, = and + operators overloading examples:

class str
    char * data;
    int length;


        str ( const char * _data )
            length = strlen ( _data );

            data = new char[ length + 1 ];
            strcpy ( data, _data );

        ~str ()
            delete [] data;

        str operator + ( const str & );
        void operator += ( const str & );
        void operator = ( str );

str str::operator + ( const str & s )
    str s0 ( data );
    s0 += s;

    return s0;

void str::operator += ( const str & s )
    if ( s.length > 0 )
        char * buf = new char [ length + 1 ];

        strcpy ( buf, data );

        delete [] data;
        data = new char [ length + s.length + 1 ];

        strcpy ( data, buf );
        strcat ( data, );

        length = length + s.length;

        delete [] buf;

void str::operator = ( str s )
    if ( s.length > 0 )
        delete [] data;
        data = new char[ s.length + 1 ];
        strcpy ( data, );

        length = s.length;
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