Hey All I am having issues with my code and it has something to do with the way my double linked list is working.

I cant figure out if its not setting the m_prev pointer if at all and what is going on with my m_next pointer. Any help would be greatly appreciated I have been banging my head on the desk for the last 7 hours working on it. I just need to get the pointers working correctly and I think that it will be working correctly.

Just a little bit of background this is a homework project I am working on that is suppose to simulate a operating system scheduler. The main contains a variable that gets used over and over again during input so its contents are always overwritten after the while loop restarts. it is called process. I want to insert into the Startup queue and I thought I had it until I did some cout statements to see what was going on.

Thanks In advanced!!

Here is the complete code:

// include files
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned char boolean;

// define directives
// Directive to store the minimum time slice
#define MIN_TIME_SLICE 10
// Directive to store the maximum time slice
#define MAX_TIME_SLICE 300
// Directive to store the lowest priority (*note* higher number = lower priority)
#define MIN_PRIORITY 140
// Directive to store the highest priority(*note* lower number = higher priority)
#define MAX_PRIORITY 100
// Directive to store the highest nice value(*note* lower number = nicer Process)
#define MAX_NICE = -20
// Directive to store the lowest nice value (*note* higher number = not so nice Process)
#define MIN_NICE = 19

// globals

// Clock for my scheduler
long myClock;
// Max amount of proccess in the file
int maxProcesses;
// Total turn around time for all Processes
long totalTAT;
// Total wait time for all Processes
long totalWT;
// Total CPU utiliation Time for all Processes
double totalCUT;
// The global count variables that gets used over and over again
int i, j, k;
// The global temp integer variable
int tempInt;

// class that defines what a Processes is
class ProcessContents{
	// constructors
	ProcessContents( );
	// values in a process
	int pid;  //pid of Process
	int nice; // Processes nice value
	int arrivalTime;  // Processes arrival time
	int numCPUBursts;  // number of cpu bursts
	int numIOBursts;  // number of i/o bursts = #cpu bursts - 1
	int totalBursts;
	int endTime;  // Processes end time
	int priority;  // priority of Process
	int timeslice;  // Processes timesliceSTRUCT AS A FUNCTION PARAMETER DECLARATION
	int* burst;  // dynamic array of cpu bursts and io bursts for the Process
	void insert(ProcessContents*);  
	void setData(ProcessContents*);
	// setters
	ProcessContents* getPrev();
    ProcessContents* getNext();
    void setNext(ProcessContents*);    
	ProcessContents getData();
    int getDataEl();
	void reset();
    void prev();
    void next();
    void end();  
    boolean isBeginning();
    boolean isEnd();
    boolean isEmpty();
	ProcessContents *m_next, *m_prev, *m_curr;

ProcessContents :: ProcessContents() {
  m_prev = NULL;
  m_next = NULL;
  m_curr = this;
  endTime = 0;
  priority = 69;
  timeslice = 143;
  burst = NULL;

ProcessContents :: ProcessContents(ProcessContents* previous) {
  m_prev = previous;
  cout << " PRINT PREVIOUS " << previous << endl;
  m_next = NULL;
  priority = 96;

void ProcessContents::insert(ProcessContents* pNode) {
  while (m_curr->getNext() != NULL)
    m_curr = m_curr->getNext();
  cout << "POINTERS: "<< m_curr<< " " << m_next << " " << m_prev << endl;
  m_curr->setNext(new ProcessContents(m_curr)); 
	cout << "POINTERS AFTER: "<< m_curr<< " " << m_next << " " << m_prev << endl;

 // creates the link between a newly created list and the current list

void ProcessContents::setData(ProcessContents* pNode) {
  int z;
  pid = pNode -> pid;
  nice = pNode -> nice;
  arrivalTime = pNode -> arrivalTime;
  numCPUBursts = pNode -> numCPUBursts;
  numIOBursts = pNode -> numIOBursts;
  totalBursts = pNode -> totalBursts;
  endTime = pNode -> endTime;
  priority = pNode -> priority;
  timeslice = pNode -> timeslice; 
  burst = new int[totalBursts]; 
  for (z = totalBursts - 1; z >= 0; z--) {
  burst[z] = pNode -> burst[z];

ProcessContents ProcessContents::getData() {
  cout << "Pid: " << pid << endl;
  cout << "Arrival time: " << arrivalTime << endl;
  cout << "Priority: " << priority << endl;
  cout << "Total Burst: " << totalBursts << endl;


ProcessContents* ProcessContents::getPrev() {
  return m_prev;

ProcessContents* ProcessContents::getNext() {
  return m_next;

void ProcessContents::setNext(ProcessContents* link) {
  m_next = link;

void ProcessContents::reset() {
  m_curr = this;

void ProcessContents::next() {
  m_curr = m_curr->getNext();

void ProcessContents::prev() {
  m_curr = m_curr->getPrev();

boolean ProcessContents::isEnd() {
  return m_curr->getNext() == NULL ? 1 : 0;

boolean ProcessContents::isBeginning() {
  return m_curr == NULL ? 1 : 0; ;

boolean ProcessContents::isEmpty() {
  return m_curr->getNext() == m_curr->getPrev() ? 1 : 0;

int Queue :: calculateDynPty(ProcessContents* node){
// have to adjust this part
  node -> priority = (node -> priority) + (-1)*((node -> Bonus) + (node -> priority));
  return (node -> priority);

double Queue :: calculateTimeSlice(ProcessContents *node){
  node -> priority = (int)ceil((-180.0/49.0)*(double)(calculateDynPty(node))+(26900.0/49.0));
  return (node -> priority);


// function definitions

// Function that gets all the input from unix file redirection and places them into the startup queue

// *****************MOST PRINT STATEMENTS*******************************
// function that prints Arrival Processes in the active queue
void printArrivalActive(Process myProcessIn);
// function that prints when a Process enters the cpu
void printEnterCPU(Process myProcessIn, int time);
// function that prints when a Process is preempted
void printPreempt(Process myProcessIn, Process myProcessOut, int time);
//function that prints when a Process is finsihed with all cpu bursts
void printFinishCPU(Process myProcessOut, int time);
// function that prints when a Process finishes a cpu burst and moves to the I/O queue
void printCPUToIO(Process myProcessOut, int time);
// funcation that prints when a Process finishes its timeslice and moves to the expired queue
void printExpiredTimeslice(Process myProcessOut, int time);
// function that prints when a Process finishes I/O burst and moves to the expired queue
void printIOToExpired(Process myProcessOut, int time);
// function that prints when a Process finishes I/O burst and moves to active queue
void printIOToActive(Process myProcessOut, int time);
// function that prints when the active and expired arrays are swapped
void printSwap(int time);

// *****************MOST CALC STATEMENTS********************************
// function that calculates Turn around time for a Process
void calcTAT(Process myProcessIn);
// fucntion that calculates Total CPU time
void calcTCT(Process myProcessIn);
// funtion that calculates Wait Time
void calcWT(Process myProcessIn);
// function that calculates percentage of CPU utilization time
void calcCUT(Process myProcessIn);
// function that calculates the average Turn around time
void calcAvgTAT();
// function that calculates the average Wait time
void calcAvgWT();
// function that calculates the average CPU utilization time
void calcAvgCUT();

// main

int main() {

ProcessContents *process;
ProcessContents Startup, Active, Expired, Finished, Io, Cpu;

int numTotalBursts= 0;
// check to see if the input is specified and correct

i = 0;
// Get input from the file and load startup queue
cout << " Begin startup queue initialization " << endl;
// get the max number of Processes
cin >> maxProcesses;
process = new ProcessContents;
// Check to make sure its not the end of the file
while(cin.eof() == 0 && maxProcesses != 0) {
// give it a pid first
process -> pid = i;
cout << "pid:" << process -> pid << endl;
// get Processes nice value
cin >> process -> nice;
cout << "nice:" << process -> nice << endl;
// get Processes arrival time
cin >> process -> arrivalTime;
cout << "atime:" << process -> arrivalTime << endl;
// get Processes number of cpu bursts
cin >> process -> numCPUBursts;
cout << "#cpu bursts:" << process -> numCPUBursts << endl;
// calculate the number of io bursts ( numer of cpu bursts - 1)
process -> numIOBursts = process -> numCPUBursts - 1;
cout << "#io bursts:" << process -> numIOBursts << endl;
// get the total bursts in the process
process -> totalBursts = process -> numIOBursts + process -> numCPUBursts;
cout << "#total bursts: " << process -> totalBursts << endl;
process -> burst = new int[process -> totalBursts]; 

// get the cpu bursts or io bursts
for (j = process -> totalBursts - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
cin >> process -> burst[j];
cout << "Burst: " << j << " is " << process-> burst[j] << " long." << endl;

} // end of read for bursts


} // end of read for an entire file
cout << " Done initilizing startup queue " << endl;
for(; !Startup.isBeginning(); Startup.prev())

return 0;

// functions

// function that prints Arrival Processes in the active queue
void printArrivalActive(Process myProcessIn) {


// function that prints when a Process enters the cpu
void printEnterCPU(Process myProcessIn, int time) {


// function that prints when a Process is preempted
void printPreempt(Process myProcessIn, Process myProcessOut, int time) {


//function that prints when a Process is finsihed with all cpu bursts
void printFinishCPU(Process myProcessOut, int time) {


// function that prints when a Process finishes a cpu burst and moves to the I/O queue
void printCPUToIO(Process myProcessOut, int time) {


// funcation that prints when a Process finishes its timeslice and moves to the expired queue
void printExpiredTimeslice(Process myProcessOut, int time) {


// function that prints when a Process finishes I/O burst and moves to the expired queue
void printIOToExpired(Process myProcessOut, int time) {


// function that prints when a Process finishes I/O burst and moves to active queue
void printIOToActive(Process myProcessOut, int time) {


// function that prints when the active and expired arrays are swapped
void printSwap(int time) {


// function that calculates Turn around time for a Process
void calcTAT(Process myProcessIn) [


// fucntion that calculates Total CPU time
void calcTCT(Process myProcessIn) {


// funtion that calculates Wait Time
void calcWT(Process myProcessIn) {


// function that calculates percentage of CPU utilization time
void calcCUT(Process myProcessIn) {


// function that calculates the average Turn around time
void calcAvgTAT() {


// function that calculates the average Wait time
void calcAvgWT() {


// function that calculates the average CPU utilization time
void calcAvgCUT() {


my input file looks like:

0 16 3 100 100 100 100 100
-4 100 3 300 30 300 10 200
-20 200 2 12 30 300
0 25 1 300
15 50 3 340 290 582 102 10
-15 0 4 20 400 10 200 100 45 6

and my output right now currently shows the address of pointers after certain executions and is a little messy since I have been working on debugging it for awhile.

Begin startup queue initialization
#cpu bursts:3
#io bursts:2
#total bursts: 5
Burst: 4 is 100 long.
Burst: 3 is 100 long.
Burst: 2 is 100 long.
Burst: 1 is 100 long.
Burst: 0 is 100 long.
POINTERS: 0xbfc5447c 0 0
POINTERS AFTER: 0xbfc5447c 0x9360070 0
#cpu bursts:3
#io bursts:2
#total bursts: 5
Burst: 4 is 300 long.
Burst: 3 is 30 long.
Burst: 2 is 300 long.
Burst: 1 is 10 long.
Burst: 0 is 200 long.
POINTERS: 0x9360070 0x9360070 0
POINTERS AFTER: 0x9360070 0x9360070 0
#cpu bursts:2
#io bursts:1
#total bursts: 3
Burst: 2 is 12 long.
Burst: 1 is 30 long.
Burst: 0 is 300 long.
POINTERS: 0x93600d8 0x9360070 0
POINTERS AFTER: 0x93600d8 0x9360070 0
#cpu bursts:1
#io bursts:0
#total bursts: 1
Burst: 0 is 300 long.
POINTERS: 0x9360130 0x9360070 0
POINTERS AFTER: 0x9360130 0x9360070 0
#cpu bursts:3
#io bursts:2
#total bursts: 5
Burst: 4 is 340 long.
Burst: 3 is 290 long.
Burst: 2 is 582 long.
Burst: 1 is 102 long.
Burst: 0 is 10 long.
POINTERS: 0x9360188 0x9360070 0
POINTERS AFTER: 0x9360188 0x9360070 0
#cpu bursts:4
#io bursts:3
#total bursts: 7
Burst: 6 is 20 long.
Burst: 5 is 400 long.
Burst: 4 is 10 long.
Burst: 3 is 200 long.
Burst: 2 is 100 long.
Burst: 1 is 45 long.
Burst: 0 is 6 long.
POINTERS: 0x93601f0 0x9360070 0
POINTERS AFTER: 0x93601f0 0x9360070 0
Done initilizing startup queue
Pid: 0
Arrival time: 16
Priority: 69
Total Burst: 5
Pid: 0
Arrival time: 16
Priority: 69
Total Burst: 5
Pid: 0
Arrival time: 16
Priority: 69
Total Burst: 5
Pid: 0
Arrival time: 16
Priority: 69
Total Burst: 5
Pid: 0
Arrival time: 16
Priority: 69
Total Burst: 5
Pid: 0
Arrival time: 16
Priority: 69
Total Burst: 5

Ancient Dragon commented: Thanks for taking the time to use code tags +19

A big construction. You may be good at linked list. plz show me some of document i can improve and develop my skill at this. thank you first.

>Any help would be greatly appreciated I have been banging
>my head on the desk for the last 7 hours working on it.
Remove the unnecessary code and work directly with the linked list. You're definitely not handling the links correctly, so I'm going to assume that you need a refresher on linked lists in general and send you here.

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