Hi. I have a program that allows users to enter their information. After they have entered their information and clicked on submit, the program will create another exe file so that when the user opens the exe file, they will be able to see their information.

How can I create a exe file from another exe file???

Thanks for your help. But I wish to do this in C++. How can I make this possible?

You could generate valid c++ code that does a few couts to display the text and then output that to a text file and use system() with a command line compiler to compile it into an exe.

You could generate valid c++ code that does a few couts to display the text and then output that to a text file and use system() with a command line compiler to compile it into an exe.

Oh, by the way, I know it was my suggestion, but I should tell you that it would be very bad programming practice.

Oh, by the way, I know it was my suggestion, but I should tell you that it would be very bad programming practice.

Actually my exe file is there in /bin directory, so is it mandatory that if i have to create a .exe file in the same? Also I cannot find any where in the program, where it is mentioned to make .exe file to come into the picture.

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