i have appli.jar,mysql_connecter.jar, and two dll file,and i am using jdk1.5
how can i create .exe file for client.
i want to create same enviorment on client machine.
plz help

There is no need to create an .exe. If your jar has specified the Main-Class property in the file, it can be executed on it's own. The other jars and dll libraries can be simply packaged in a /lib folder and the whole app bundled as a zip or tar file.

If you need a "wizard-like" installer for the application, check out IzPack:

i want to create same invirement on client machine and my client dont have java installed,
i dont want to say my client to installed java.i want to send java wih my application and when my client install my application neccessary files should be install at that time.
what should i do for that


So install Java as well, with the installer used to install your stuff. I can almost guarantee, however, that if they have a browser, they have Java installed, maybe not a "new" version, probably 1.4.2, but they probably have a Java installed.

i want to create same invirement on client machine and my client dont have java installed,
i dont want to say my client to installed java.i want to send java wih my application and when my client install my application neccessary files should be install at that time.
what should i do for that


IzPack has a launcher available that will facilitate installation of Java if the client does not have it installed. See the link I posted above to the IzPack web site. We use it for our installation here and it works very well.

i want to create same invirement on client machine and my client dont have java installed,
i dont want to say my client to installed java.i want to send java wih my application and when my client install my application neccessary files should be install at that time.
what should i do for that


If you want to duplicate your environment they'll have to install a JRE.
They'll have to do that anyway, it's as simple as that.

There are some programs that can be used to create an executable launcher which launches a JRE with the classes needed, but that rather defeats the purpose of a platform agnostic language like Java.
Unless you're writing a big commercial product that's only ever going to be installed on one operating system by people who can't install a JRE themselves there's no reason to bother.
Anyway, those things install a JRE as well, only it's embedded in the application.

Just ship a JRE installer with your application, and/or point your users to to install their own.
It's painless. Most of them will have a JRE installed anyway, probably without knowing it, as most computers these days ship with one. It may not be the right version of course.

sir i have jar files .my jars are working well.
i am using some dll's in my application.
problem is when i am creating exe file from my jar ,i got error in loading dll's .
and mt exe in also giving same error. iam using Excelsior jet tool for making jar to exe.

Well, good luck with that. Most of us here, have told you, that that is not the way to go. So, if you decide to go that way (and seemingly you have), you won't find very many sympathetic voices here.

Yep, sounds like an issue between you and Excelsior. Good luck.

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