why am i not able to pass two values between pages
in first page for submit_btn.click()
Dim url As String
url = "Project.aspx?"
url &= "id=" & id_txt.Text & ""
url &= "age=" & age_txt.Text & ""

In second page called Project.aspx:
sub page_load()
txtid.Text = "id:" & Request.QueryString("id")
txtage.Text = "age: " & Request.QueryString("age")
I get output has (Project.aspx?id=35age=)


Dim url As String
url = "Project.aspx?"
url &= "id=" & id_txt.Text & "&"
url &= "age=" & age_txt.Text

In second page called Project.aspx try:

sub page_load()
txtid.Text = "id:" & Request("id")
txtage.Text = "age: " & Request("age")

This works for me

hey peter,
thanks for the reply .but still im n2 getting the required answer i dont know why?? im gettin only id value,but not the age value......

somebody plz tell m,how to perform cross page transfer.....

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