I have to use arrays to calculate some statistics on a set of data. The example of the file looks like this:
6 5
1 3 2 4 3
4 2 4 2 1
2 3 5 6 8
5 6 9 4 3
1 5 7 3 7
2 3 5 6 5
the 6 is the rows and 5 is the columns. I need to be able to calculate:
1. the min and max value for each row
2. the average value for each row
3. min and max foe the entire data
4. the average value of entire data

it is getting stuck in the min and max for eac row it prints the firs row correctly, but then it prints it again for the rest, instead of the correct value.
can anyone help

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
int a[];
// Prototype Declarations
void openFile(ifstream& inFile, string name);
int readValues (ifstream& infile, int numbers[]);
void printValues(int y, int k, const int numbers[], int number_elements);
void rowMinMax(int x,int x[], int numberValues, int& max, int& min);
void minMax(int numbers[], int numberValues, int& max, int& min);

int main (void)

// Local Declarations
int number_elements; // number of elements actually stored in numbers[] array
int i;
int numberValues;
int numbers[100]; // numbers read from the data file
ifstream infile; // inputfile stream
int min, max;
string filename;
int x,y,k,z;

// Statements
cout << "This program will read numbers from a file, store them in an array" << endl;
cout << "and print the numbers." << endl;
cout << "Enter the file to be processed:" << endl;
cin >> filename; //reading in the filename
cout << endl << endl;
openFile(infile, filename); //opening the file specified by the user
infile >> x >> y;
cout << " " << x << " " << y;
k = x*y;

// read the data and store it in the array
readValues (infile, numbers);

// print the data in the array
printValues (y, k, numbers, number_elements);

rowMinMax(x,numbers, y, max, min);
//cout << "min: " << min << "max: " << max;

// find the minimum and maximum value in the array
minMax(numbers, number_elements, max, min);

cout << "The minimum value is " << min << " and the maximum value is " << max << endl;

return 0;
} // main

/* ================== openFile ==================
Open a text file and return the file stream.
void openFile(ifstream& inFile, string name) //opens the file unless there's an error which causes the program to exit
if (inFile == false)
cout << "There was an error opening the file" << endl;

/* ================== readValues ==================
Read up to 100 integers from file specified by infile into array.
Returns the number of values read from file

int readValues(ifstream& infile, int numbers[])
int numbervalues = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 100 && infile)
infile >> numbers;
numbervalues = i;
return numbervalues;

/* ================== printData ==================
Prints the data on multiple lines if needed
Pre data: a filled array
number_elements: size of array to be printed
Post The data have been printed
void printValues (int y, int k, const int numbers[], int number_elements)
// Local Declarations
int i, j;
int numPrinted = 0;
int lineSize = y; // number of values to print on each line
number_elements = k;
// Statements
cout << endl << endl;
for (i = 0; i < number_elements; i++)
cout << setw(4) << numbers;
if (numPrinted >= lineSize)
cout << endl;
numPrinted = 0;
} // if
} // for

cout << endl << endl;

void rowMinMax(int z,int x[], int numberValues, int& max, int& min)
max = -1;
min = 99999;
int i,d,c;
for (d = 0; d < z; d++)
for (i=numberValues*c; i<numberValues*(c+1); i++)
if (x > max)
max = x;
if (x < min)
min = x;

cout << "min: " << min << "max: " << max<<endl;

/* ================== minMax ==================
Return the minimum and maximum number in the array.
void minMax(int numbers[], int numberValues, int& max, int& min)
max = -1;
min = 99999;
int i;

for (i=0; i<numberValues; i++)
if (numbers > max)
max = numbers;
if (numbers < min)
min = numbers;

Did you miss the request to read the Rules when you registered? Did you also miss the post Read Me: Read This Before Posting? What could we have done to have you understand the importance of reading this information?

int a[];

Does this code compile.

The problem is given in terms of rows of data, you show it in rows and columns. Why aren't you using a 2D array to store the data? That makes it much easier to keep track of where you are.

The code you provided does not compile. It would be more readable with some indentation, and place it between and [/code ] tags.

Use meaningful variable names. x, y, z, k make it hard to follow your logic. In your rowMinMax you have a variable c which is actually a row counter. (and it does the same as d). But, it appears that function should do what it's supposed to. I think.

Val[code ] and [/code ] tags.

Use meaningful variable names. x, y, z, k make it hard to follow your logic. In your rowMinMax you have a variable c which is actually a row counter. (and it does the same as d). But, it appears that function should do what it's supposed to. I think.


int a[];

Does this code compile.

yes it does, but it does not give the min and max for each line

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