Hey All,

I have a form that i want to be able to change the look of, it displays within an HTML page and is basically a rectangle with my input fields in it. I'm using a

<form action="fromform.php" method="post">

type form.

What i want is to be able to change the size of the forms border and type (i.e., thickness, sunken, etched etc...), and even color. Does anyone know where to find these settings and how to change them.?

You change these settings using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

I don't believe i have one of those, is this something i create myself, and if so, do you have an example i could follow?

You need to write style for that (using css ie.,) Check this out.

I'm not getting it to work. I guess i didn't explain correctly that i'm using a fieldset tag. From what i can find, i can manipulate what goes inside the fieldset, but not the border itself, is this still done with a css? I'm seeing that if the fieldset does not have a border, my browser doesn't support it, but thats all its saying about the border. I see a border but can't seem to find how to change its color or thickness.

ok, i think i got it. I removed the fieldset tag all together and put my own table in. With this i was able to create a table border using a style sheet. This works for me, now I have more control.

thanks for steering me in the right direction.

I'm not getting it to work. I guess i didn't explain correctly that i'm using a fieldset tag. From what i can find, i can manipulate what goes inside the fieldset, but not the border itself, is this still done with a css? I'm seeing that if the fieldset does not have a border, my browser doesn't support it, but thats all its saying about the border. I see a border but can't seem to find how to change its color or thickness.

I was able to create a border and style a fieldset fine with Firefox. What browser are you using?

If there's a problem with compatibility with a fieldset, you can wrap all of the form elements inside of a div and make the fieldset invisible. Create a fieldset, fill that with a div, then fill that div with the form elements...

    <div id="form-container">
        <input type="text" name="Blahblah" value="Testing" />

You could then just style the div to get the border that you want.

#form-container {
    border: 5px solid black; }

- Walkere

Sorry this is late, i missed it on Friday. This may work for me, i'll try it. I was able to make everything work the way i did it, but it did look different depending on what browser i used. For testing purposes, i'm using IE and Firefox. In Firefox the border color is white, but in IE the color is what I set it at. I'll try your suggestion and see if this improves on it. Thank you.

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