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How do I send an email...

I have WAMP (windows xp apache, mysql and php).

But what do I do now. Explain...

PHP has a function made for this exact purpose.

Mail($to, $subject, $body)

Do some research on it, it's not hard to use.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I'm afraid that didn't work, anyone else?

I'm afraid that didn't work, anyone else?

If you didn't set up the smtp settings in your php.ini file, it won't work. Check the SMTP and smtp_port settings.

If you're determined not to use the mail function or need something more advanced, try phpMailer.

Good luck,
- Walkere

commented: thanx 4 lookin +13
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Thank you for your reply, but what do I put for the smtp settings. Would it have something to do with my Internet service provider, would it be localhost? I'm confused :(

btw (I don't have an email client on windows)

Thank you for your reply, but what do I put for the smtp settings. Would it have something to do with my Internet service provider, would it be localhost? I'm confused :(

I've never set one up on a windows server, but I would assume you would use your ISP's SMTP server. This is usually "" or "" or some such thing. For example, mine is "" for Optimum Online.

This would be the same server you'd use to set up an e-mail client... if you used one =)

- Walkere

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Crap, is this a lot simpler to set up using linux then?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

No I'm not getting anywhere with this.

I think my mail SMTP is

It returned successful when I did a telnet on port 25.

Start > run > (type in cmd) telent 25 I changed my php.ini file to match this, restarted the services yet I still get an authentication problem. I think it is because I don't have an email client....

Member Avatar for iamthwee

OK if I use a linux server, which is feasible, although my mom is gonna screw at me for wiping off windows LOL, does this avoid the problems regarding SMTP setting etc?

Thanx in advance.

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