Could someone please tell me what is wrong with this code because i have tried loading it but it's not giving me any error to know where the problem lies.

 * Global configuration file for CAPAT    

// Site Setup


// Turn off warning about possible session & globals compatibility problem
ini_set('session.bug_compat_warn', 0);

 * Configuration

//Application information 

define('APP__NAME', 'CAPAT OS');
define('APP__TITLE', 'CAPAT OS : Online Peer Assessment System');
define('APP__WWW', 'http://localhost/capat');
define('APP__ID', 'capat');
define('APP__VERSION', '');
define('APP__DESCRIPTION','CAPAT, an  online peer assessment system.');
define('APP__KEYWORDS','peer assessment, online, peer, assessment, tools');
define('APP__MD5_SALT', 'PF46ALC9Z1');

//Database information 
define('APP__DB_TYPE', 'MySQLDAO');
define('APP__DB_HOST', 'localhost:3306');

// If on a non-standard port, use this format:  <server>:<port>
define('APP__DB_USERNAME', 'root');
define('APP__DB_PASSWORD', 'justified');
define('APP__DB_DATABASE', 'pa');
define('APP__DB_PERSISTENT', false);
define('APP__DB_CLIENT_FLAGS', 2);

// Contact info
define('APP__EMAIL_INFO', 'dami2cuteforever@yahoo.com');
define('APP__EMAIL_HELP', 'dami2cuteforever@yahoo.com');
define('APP__EMAIL_TECH', 'dami2cuteforever@yahoo.com');

// Includes 
define ('DOC__ROOT', 'c:/xampp/htdocs/capat');

//define the authentication to be used
 define('AUTH__CLASS', 'DBAuthentication');

//LDAP Authentication is 'LDAPAuthenticator' and database authentication is 'DBAuthentication'

// Old config compatibility
$_config['app_id'] = APP__ID;
$_config['app_www'] = APP__WWW;

// Initialisation

// Magic quotes workaround

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
	function stripslashes_deep($value) {
		return is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value);

//NW added in request as well
	$_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE);

	$_GET = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_GET);

	$_POST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST);

	$_REQUEST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_REQUEST);


// Initialise DB object



// Initialise The EngCIS Handler object

$CIS = new EngCIS();

// Initialise User Object

$_user = null;

// Initialise the cookie
$_cookie = new Cookie();

// Get info from the session
$_user_id = fetch_SESSION('_user_id', null);

// If there's no user in the session, but there is in the cookie, use that
if ( (!$_user_id) && ($_cookie->validate()) && (array_key_exists('user_id',$_cookie->vars)) ) {
	$_user_id = $_cookie->vars['user_id'];


// If we found a user to load, load 'em!
if ($_user_id){

	$_user_info = $CIS->get_user($_user_id);

	// Actually create the user object
	$_user = new User();

	$_user_info = null;
		// We're done with the data, so clear it

	// save session data
	$_SESSION['_user_id'] = $_user->id;

	// Save cookie data
	$_cookie->vars['user_id'] = $_user->id;



// Initialise UI Object
$UI = new UI($_user);

// Global Functions

*	Check if the user is logged in and is a user of the given type
*	If not, it logs the user out
*	@param string $_user
*	@param string $user_type
function check_user($_user, $user_type = null) {

	// Is the user valid?
	if ($_user) {
		// if we're not checking the user type, or we are checking and it matches, return OK
		if ( (!$user_type) || ($_user->type == $user_type) ) { 
			return true;
		return false;


	// If we didn't call 'return' then the user is denied access
	// If they tried to access the main index page, assume they haven't logged in and go to the login page directly
	if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']=='/index.php') {
		header('Location: '. APP__WWW .'/login.php');

	} else {	// log them out and give the DENIED message
		header('Location:'. APP__WWW .'/logout.php?msg=denied');

 * Function for the debug print out
 * @param string  $var
function debug_print($var) {




The question is, do you actually get anything at all or do you just get a white screen? Or does the status bar continually act like it is trying to load for the whole time?



if memory serves me correctly, this command actually turns off all levels of error reporting.
Try commenting that out and then going to your page, you may see where your errors are.

When working with PHP, sometimes it is a good idea to to view the source of the page which is rendered (the outputted html, xhtml or xml). If you see any code there at all, you could look through it to see if perhaps there are some tag close issues or whatever.
I could be off base with the above function, but I think I remember this being the case.

Hi dami,

sagedavis is right, error_reporting(0) turns off all error reports, therefore you will not get any errors on that page, instead replace that line with this:

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

Then load the page, you should see errors then:)

Thanks, I got 2 errors. I'm not too sure where the error is because it's not making any sense. The errors are
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in C:\xampp\htdocs\capat\library\classes\class_engcis.php on line 9

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_FUNCTION in C:\xampp\htdocs\capat\include\classes\class_ui2.php on line 336

This is the code again that i have adjusted

 * Class :  UI

//include main global file so that the session can be used
 function & rel7($struc, &$file) {
 	return file_exists( ( $file = ( dirname($struc).'/'.$file ) ) );
 function relativetome7($structure, $filetoget){
 	return rel7($structure,$filetoget) ? require_once($filetoget) : null;
relativetome7(__FILE__, 'inc_global.php');

class UI {
	// Public Vars
	public $page_title = '';
	public $menu_selected = '';
	public $breadcrumbs = null;

	// Private Vars
	private $_user = null;
	private $_menu = null;
	private $_page_bar_buttons = null;

	* @param string $_user
	function UI( $_user = null) {
		$this->_user =& $_user;

		// Initialise the menu - sets either staff or student menu items
		if ( ($this->_user) && ($this->_user->is_staff()) ) {
			// Staff menu
			$this->set_menu('Tutors', array ('home'				=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/index.php' ,
											 'my forms'			=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/forms/' ,
											 'my groups'		=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/groups/' ,
											 'my assessments'	=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/assessments/' ,)	);// /$this->set_menu()

			$this->set_menu('Support', array ('contact'          => APP__WWW . '/contact/') );// /$this->set_menu();

			$this->set_menu('Tutors', array ('home'				=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/forms/index.php' ,
											 'my forms'			=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/forms/' ,
											 'my groups'		=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/groups/' ,
											 'my assessments'	=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/assessments/' ,)	);// /$this->set_menu()

			$this->set_menu('Support', array ('contact'          => APP__WWW . '/contact/') );// /$this->set_menu();
                  // Student menu
                  if ($_SESSION['_student'] == '1'){
			$this->set_menu('Students', array ('home'			=> APP__WWW . '/students/index.php' ,
											   'my groups'		=> APP__WWW . '/students/groups/' ,
											   'my assessments'	=> APP__WWW . '/students/assessments/' ) );// /$this->set_menu()

			$this->set_menu('Support', array ('contact'	=> APP__WWW . '/contact/') );// /$this->set_menu();

				} else  //Admin menu
			//if ($_SESSION['_admin'] == '1')
				$this->set_menu('Admin', array('home'			=> APP__WWW .'/admin/index.php',
										   'upload data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/load/index.php',
										   'review data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/review/index.php'));

		$this->set_menu(' ', array ('logout'	=> APP__WWW .'/main_login.php') );// /$this->set_menu();
	}// /->UI()

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Public Methods

	* Send the expiry headers.
	* Leave $expiry_date empty to force the browser to page refresh
	* @param string $expire_date
	* @param string $modified_date
	function headers_expire($expire_date = null, $modified_date = null) {
		// If no expiry date, expire at 00:00:01 today
		if (!$expire_date) { $expire_date = mktime(0,0,1,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')); }

		// If no modified date, modified today
		if (!$modified_date) { $modified_date = mktime(); }

		header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expire_date ) .' GMT');
		header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_date) .' GMT');
		header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');		// HTTP/1.1
		header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);		// HTTP/1.1
		header("Cache-control: private", false);
		header('Pragma: no-cache');		// HTTP/1.0
	} // /-headers_expire()

	 * Function to generate the header
  function head () {
		Commented out until the day IE can show a full XHTML page without entering quirks mode
		echo('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="EN" />
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
	<link href="<?php echo(APP__WWW) ?>/css/capat.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link href="<?php echo(APP__WWW) ?>/css/capat_print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<title><?php echo(APP__NAME ) ?></title>
  } // /->head()

	 * function to close the body area of the page
	 * @param string $extra_attributes
	function body($extra_attributes = '') {
		echo("\n</head>\n<body $extra_attributes>\n\n");
	} // /->body()
	* render page header
	function header() {
	<div id="header">
		<div id="app_bar">
			<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
				<td width="175"><div id="title_logo"><a href=""><img src="<?php echo APP__WWW; ?>/images/tool/appbar_capat_logo.png" alt="<?php echo APP__NAME; ?>" /></a></div></td>
					if ($this->_user) {
						echo("<td>{$this->_user->forename} {$this->_user->surname}</td>");
					} else {
		<div id="breadcrumb_bar">
			You are in: <?php
				if (is_array($this->breadcrumbs)) {
					$num_crumbs = count($this->breadcrumbs);
					foreach( $this->breadcrumbs as $k => $v ) {
						if (!is_null($v)) {
							echo("<a class=\"breadcrumb\" href=\"$v\">$k</a>");
							if ($num_crumbs>0) { echo(' &gt; '); }
						} else { echo($k); }
	}// /->header()

	* Set the given section name to the given assoc-array of links
	* Does NO checking of $section_array
	* @param string $section_name
	* @param array $section_array
	function set_menu($section_name, $section_array) {
		$this->_menu["$section_name"] = $section_array;

	* Draw the menu
	function menu() {
		// If there's a menu, draw it	
		if ($this->_menu) {
			$menu_html = '<div id="menu">';

			foreach($this->_menu as $menu_section => $menu_links) {
				$menu_html .= ($menu_section==' ') ? '<div class="menu_section"><ul class="menu_list">' : '<div class="menu_section"><div class="menu_title">'. $menu_section .'</div><ul class="menu_list">';

				foreach($menu_links as $menu_name => $menu_link ) {
					$link_class = ($this->menu_selected == $menu_name) ? 'menu_selected' : 'menu'; 
					$menu_html .= '<li><a class="'. $link_class .'" href="'. $menu_link .'">'. $menu_name .'</a></li>';
				}// /for

				$menu_html .= '</ul></div>';
			}// /for

			$menu_html .= '</div>';
	}// /->menu()

	* Set a page bar button
	* @param string $text
	* @param string $img
	* @param string  $link
	* @param string $side
	function set_page_bar_button($text, $img, $link, $side = 'left') {
		$this->_page_bar_buttons[$side][$text] = array ('img' => "../images/buttons/$img", 'link' => $link);
	}// /->set_page_bar_button()

	* Draw the page toolbar
	function page_bar() {
		if (is_array($this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
			<div id="page_bar">
				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						if (array_key_exists('left',$this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
							foreach($this->_page_bar_buttons['left'] as $text => $button) {
								echo("<td><a class=\"page_bar_link\" href=\"{$button['link']}\" title=\"$text\"><img src=\"{$button['img']}\" alt=\"$text\" height=\"50\" /></a></td>");
					<td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
						// right-hand buttons are automatically set to target="_blank"
						if (array_key_exists('right',$this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
							foreach($this->_page_bar_buttons['right'] as $text => $button) {
								echo("<td><a class=\"page_bar_link\" href=\"{$button['link']}\" target=\"$text\" title=\"$text\"><img src=\"{$button['img']}\" alt=\"$text\" height=\"50\" /></a></td>");
	}// /->page_bar()
	* Footer
	function footer() {
	<div id="footer">
		<div style="float: right;">

		<iframe src="/keep_alive.php" height="1" width="1" style="display: none;">keep alive</iframe>
	}// /->footer()

	* Start main page content
	function content_start() {
		echo('<div id="main">');
		echo('<div id="content">');
		if ($this->page_title) { echo("<h1>{$this->page_title}</h1>\n\n"); }
	}// /content_start()

	* End main page content
	* @param boolean $render_menu
	* @param boolean $render_header
	* @param boolean $renders_footer
	function content_end($render_menu = true, $render_header = true, $render_footer = true) {

<div id="side_bar">
if ($render_menu) {
} else {
	if ($render_header) { $this->header(); }
	if ($render_footer) { $this->footer(); }
	}// /content_end()

	* function to draw the boxed list
	* @param string $list
	* @param string $box_class
	* @param string $header_text
	* @param string $footer_text
	function draw_boxed_list($list, $box_class, $header_text, $footer_text) {
		if (is_array($list)) {
			echo("<div class=\"$box_class\"><p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">$header_text</p><ul class=\"spaced\">");
			foreach($list as $item) { echo("<li>$item</li>");	}
	}// ->draw_boxed_list()

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Private Methods
}// /class: UI



you have 2 ?> in the end of the line.Try to comment out that is in line 336.

still giving me the same error

Notices can be ignored. Notices can be turned off by changing the error_reporting setting in your php.ini.
Anyway, as ryan_vietnow has already mentioned, there are 2 ?>. And then, the } for the class UI is missing.

ok now im having another error. It's giving me this:
references should be returned by reference in C:\xampp\htdocs\capat\include\classes\class_ui2.php on line 12

this is the code for it but i can't still find anything wrong


 * Class :  UI

//include main global file so that the session can be used
 function & rel7($struc, &$file) {
 	return file_exists( ( $file = ( dirname($struc).'/'.$file ) ) );
 function relativetome7($structure, $filetoget){
 	return rel7($structure,$filetoget) ? require_once($filetoget) : null;
relativetome7(__FILE__, 'inc_global.php');

class UI {
	// Public Vars
	public $page_title = '';
	public $menu_selected = '';
	public $breadcrumbs = null;

	// Private Vars
	private $_user = null;
	private $_menu = null;
	private $_page_bar_buttons = null;

	* @param string $_user
	function UI( $_user = null) {
		$this->_user =& $_user;

		// Initialise the menu - sets either staff or student menu items
		if ( ($this->_user) && ($this->_user->is_staff()) ) {
			// Staff menu
			$this->set_menu('Tutors', array ('home'				=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/index.php' ,
											 'my forms'			=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/forms/' ,
											 'my groups'		=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/groups/' ,
											 'my assessments'	=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/assessments/' ,)	);// /$this->set_menu()

			$this->set_menu('Support', array ('contact'          => APP__WWW . '/contact/') );// /$this->set_menu();

			$this->set_menu('Tutors', array ('home'				=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/forms/index.php' ,
											 'my forms'			=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/forms/' ,
											 'my groups'		=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/groups/' ,
											 'my assessments'	=> APP__WWW . '/tutors/assessments/' ,)	);// /$this->set_menu()

			$this->set_menu('Support', array ('contact'          => APP__WWW . '/contact/') );// /$this->set_menu();
			//Admin menu
			if ($_SESSION['_admin'] == '1'){
				$this->set_menu('Admin', array('home'			=> APP__WWW .'/admin/index.php',
										   'upload data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/load/index.php',
										   'review data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/review/index.php'));
		} else  {

 // ======= start
			//Admin menu
				$this->set_menu('Admin', array('home'			=> APP__WWW .'/admin/index.php',
										   'upload data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/load/index.php',
										   'review data'	=>	APP__WWW . '/admin/review/index.php'));



		$this->set_menu(' ', array ('logout'	=> APP__WWW .'/main_login.php') );// /$this->set_menu();
	}// /->UI()

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Public Methods

	* Send the expiry headers.
	* Leave $expiry_date empty to force the browser to page refresh
	* @param string $expire_date
	* @param string $modified_date
	function headers_expire($expire_date = null, $modified_date = null) {
		// If no expiry date, expire at 00:00:01 today
		if (!$expire_date) { $expire_date = mktime(0,0,1,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')); }

		// If no modified date, modified today
		if (!$modified_date) { $modified_date = mktime(); }

		header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expire_date ) .' GMT');
		header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_date) .' GMT');
		header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');		// HTTP/1.1
		header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);		// HTTP/1.1
		header("Cache-control: private", false);
		header('Pragma: no-cache');		// HTTP/1.0
	} // /-headers_expire()

	 * Function to generate the header
  function head () {
		Commented out until the day IE can show a full XHTML page without entering quirks mode
		echo('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="EN" />
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
	<link href="<?php echo(APP__WWW) ?>/css/capat.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link href="<?php echo(APP__WWW) ?>/css/capat_print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<title><?php echo(APP__NAME ) ?></title>
  } // /->head()

	 * function to close the body area of the page
	 * @param string $extra_attributes
	function body($extra_attributes = '') {
		echo("\n</head>\n<body $extra_attributes>\n\n");
	} // /->body()
	* render page header
	function header() {
	<div id="header">
		<div id="app_bar">
			<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
				<td width="175"><div id="title_logo"><a href=""><img src="<?php echo APP__WWW; ?>/images/tool/appbar_capat_logo.png" alt="<?php echo APP__NAME; ?>" /></a></div></td>
					if ($this->_user) {
						echo("<td>{$this->_user->forename} {$this->_user->surname}</td>");
					} else {
		<div id="breadcrumb_bar">
			You are in: <?php
				if (is_array($this->breadcrumbs)) {
					$num_crumbs = count($this->breadcrumbs);
					foreach( $this->breadcrumbs as $k => $v ) {
						if (!is_null($v)) {
							echo("<a class=\"breadcrumb\" href=\"$v\">$k</a>");
							if ($num_crumbs>0) { echo(' &gt; '); }
						} else { echo($k); }
	}// /->header()

	* Set the given section name to the given assoc-array of links
	* Does NO checking of $section_array
	* @param string $section_name
	* @param array $section_array
	function set_menu($section_name, $section_array) {
		$this->_menu["$section_name"] = $section_array;

	* Draw the menu
	function menu() {
		// If there's a menu, draw it	
		if ($this->_menu) {
			$menu_html = '<div id="menu">';

			foreach($this->_menu as $menu_section => $menu_links) {
				$menu_html .= ($menu_section==' ') ? '<div class="menu_section"><ul class="menu_list">' : '<div class="menu_section"><div class="menu_title">'. $menu_section .'</div><ul class="menu_list">';

				foreach($menu_links as $menu_name => $menu_link ) {
					$link_class = ($this->menu_selected == $menu_name) ? 'menu_selected' : 'menu'; 
					$menu_html .= '<li><a class="'. $link_class .'" href="'. $menu_link .'">'. $menu_name .'</a></li>';
				}// /for

				$menu_html .= '</ul></div>';
			}// /for

			$menu_html .= '</div>';
	}// /->menu()

	* Set a page bar button
	* @param string $text
	* @param string $img
	* @param string  $link
	* @param string $side
	function set_page_bar_button($text, $img, $link, $side = 'left') {
		$this->_page_bar_buttons[$side][$text] = array ('img' => "../images/buttons/$img", 'link' => $link);
	}// /->set_page_bar_button()

	* Draw the page toolbar
	function page_bar() {
		if (is_array($this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
			<div id="page_bar">
				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						if (array_key_exists('left',$this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
							foreach($this->_page_bar_buttons['left'] as $text => $button) {
								echo("<td><a class=\"page_bar_link\" href=\"{$button['link']}\" title=\"$text\"><img src=\"{$button['img']}\" alt=\"$text\" height=\"50\" /></a></td>");
					<td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
						// right-hand buttons are automatically set to target="_blank"
						if (array_key_exists('right',$this->_page_bar_buttons)) {
							foreach($this->_page_bar_buttons['right'] as $text => $button) {
								echo("<td><a class=\"page_bar_link\" href=\"{$button['link']}\" target=\"$text\" title=\"$text\"><img src=\"{$button['img']}\" alt=\"$text\" height=\"50\" /></a></td>");
	}// /->page_bar()
	* Footer
	function footer() {
	<div id="footer">
		<div style="float: right;">

		<iframe src="/keep_alive.php" height="1" width="1" style="display: none;">keep alive</iframe>
	}// /->footer()

	* Start main page content
	function content_start() {
		echo('<div id="main">');
		echo('<div id="content">');
		if ($this->page_title) { echo("<h1>{$this->page_title}</h1>\n\n"); }
	}// /content_start()

	* End main page content
	* @param boolean $render_menu
	* @param boolean $render_header
	* @param boolean $renders_footer
	function content_end($render_menu = true, $render_header = true, $render_footer = true) {

<div id="side_bar">
if ($render_menu) {
} else {
	if ($render_header) { $this->header(); }
	if ($render_footer) { $this->footer(); }
	}// /content_end()

	* function to draw the boxed list
	* @param string $list
	* @param string $box_class
	* @param string $header_text
	* @param string $footer_text
	function draw_boxed_list($list, $box_class, $header_text, $footer_text) {
		if (is_array($list)) {
			echo("<div class=\"$box_class\"><p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">$header_text</p><ul class=\"spaced\">");
			foreach($list as $item) { echo("<li>$item</li>");	}
	}// ->draw_boxed_list()

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Private Methods
}// /class: UI


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