Hi I am developing a database driven site. It will be about 4000 pages. Basically I will have a template for the Homepage, a contact page template, a main database item template for filtered results and then a database item detail tempalte.

What cms would you suggest? I want keyword search for the database as well as filtering results and also browse by location. In addition I want to have the mod-rewrite feature to rewrite these database detail pages to static urls.

Thank you. Im looking at Joomla and Drupal for right now, the easier the better though!

try wordpress man, i think its more simple

I've built a few sites in wordpress but I wasnt sure about its search functionality I will check that out. If not I am thinking Drupal.

for cms use ezpublish.. learning ezpulish is little bit difficult. but once u get, it would be very easy.. try this once

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