<script type="text/javascript">
function validateFloat()
      var o = document.frmInput.txtInput;
      switch (isFloat(o.value))
         case true:
            alert(o.value + " is an float")
         case false:
            alert(o.value + " is not an float")

<form name="frmInput">
   Enter something: <input name="txtInput" size="4">
   <input type="button" value="Validate" onclick="validateFloat()"></input>

Not working. pls help

The isFloat function is missing.

Matti Ressler

can u help me to solve isFloat, pls.

This is rather simple (eg, it will return a.b as a float):

function isFloat(value) {
            if (/\./.test(value)) {

                return true;

            } else {

                return false;


Google is your friend to find a more comprehensive float checking function.

Matti Ressler

A thorough way of doing it would be:

 * Checks if a given string is float or not
 * @author sos
 * @param {String} val The string in question.
  function isFloat(val) {
    if(!val || (typeof val != "string" || val.constructor != String)) {
    var isNumber = !isNaN(new Number(val));
    if(isNumber) {
      if(val.indexOf('.') != -1) {
      } else {
    } else {
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