I'm developing a ecommerce solution in PHP. The ADMIN is stored on one DNA while the stores are hosted on their own unique domains. My problem is that I need the images that are uploaded on the admin domain be available to the client domains without hot linking from the admin domain. I was hoping to do this using either Apache or some custom DNS setting. I am running CPANEL/WHM on the server.

I tried setting up a CNAME pointing "images.storedomain.com" to "admindomain.com" but it does not work. I need each store to be able to pull the images from a url similiar to this: "images.storedomain.com/images/image_name.jpg" and that way I can upload images in one place but have it availble to multiple domains.

Any ideas on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Nathan -

Why are you creating an e-commerce application when there are open source ones available (including multiple stores . I know at least two)?

Matti Ressler

Maybe she just want to create an application by herself and wants to know the processes intensively.And some e-commerce application lacks features needed by the client.

Maybe she just want to create an application by herself and wants to know the processes intensively.And some e-commerce application lacks features needed by the client.

Maybe she can answer all by herself also :icon_wink:

As to why I would develop another ecommerce site when there are so many? Well the answer is simple... "a jack of all trades is a master of none" in ecommerce it is impossible to create a system that works for all applications, and the ones that do become to complicated for the majority of users. I create industry specific solutions that cater to the needs of that industry without needing to bog it down with useless features.

I appreciate all the replys but no one even attempted to answer the question.

How do I setup a shared image folder that can be access across multiple sites??? I know it's possible because I have seen similiar things done... I just figure out how to do.

And lastly... as my name would suggest; I am not a "she".

Thanks, Nathan -

You would need the domains hosted on the same server and serve the images using a proxy. (needs root access). Not my forte so you will need to Google it if nobody else has a solid answer.

Matti Ressler

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