Hello there
I would like to ask you a question concerning pop up menus. It turns out that I have seen some techniques which use just CSS. Nevertheless, what I usually see is techniques that use javascript to achieve this pop up menus. It seems to me that javascript might be a more simple and straightforward technique for this purpose although I do not know because I have not implemented neither of them yet.
Since I want to build a pop up menu, I would like to hear your suggestions in terms of advantages and disadvantages of css driven pop up menus against javascript menus. As far as I know, javascript is a disadvantage because it might not work sometimes when it is disabled in the browser. But, tell me your point of view, because I am sure you have lot to say about this.

Another thing that I would like to do is defining myself the shape and colors of this pop up menus so please, you can bear in mind this point for any suggestion concerning the previous paragraph.

In conclusion, bearing in ming that lot of you will have had some experience working with pop up menus, I would appreciate any sound suggestion about the best or the most standard approach to let me start working on a custom pop up menu.

If you there might be other more interesting and useful way of doing these pop up menus that is not css or javascript, please tell me as well.
I look forward your replies.
Thanks in advance.

Hi thosecars82,

First of all Pop menu cannot be implemented with CSS only. CSS is only used for giving looks to HTML elements. But one thing is true if u use CSS and Javascript together then u can do anything u want to do on web page.

To develope ur own contorls (ex: pop-menu), u must be aware of OOPs javascript. If u had not yet started please start doing so.

To have a good idea of custom html-controls, u can visit http://www.developer.yahoo/yui. There u can see their javascript code. And learn how they implement OOPs in such nice manner. You will find more than u imagine there.

Hi thosecars82,

First of all Pop menu cannot be implemented with CSS only. CSS is only used for giving looks to HTML elements. But one thing is true if u use CSS and Javascript together then u can do anything u want to do on web page.

To develope ur own contorls (ex: pop-menu), u must be aware of OOPs javascript. If u had not yet started please start doing so.

To have a good idea of custom html-controls, u can visit http://www.developer.yahoo/yui. There u can see their javascript code. And learn how they implement OOPs in such nice manner. You will find more than u imagine there.

Thanks Luckchap for the suggestions. It seems that the url you wrote does not work. Moreover, I have aready seen some css driven menus by people who claim that these do not need any javascript whatsoever to work even in ie. Take a glimpse at this: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/dropdown.html. At least I have seen it with ie6, and it seems alright.

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