I am a student and I wana learn PHP.. via Internet.. can anyone tell me please how to do it..Where i can buy the buks and where i can start my online stdies...
please help me out.. as i m in search of a Good PHP training..:)

www.w3schools.com is a good place to start.
you will get the basics and if you want more indepth articles you can go to www.php.net. there are many different books you can purchase. but these two sites and google is a great start to learning php. when you are ready to use mysql with php you can look at www.mysql.com.

If it's books you want, I'd recommend PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson (try and get the 3rd edition).
I managed to pick up a 2nd hand copy for £5 on Amazon.
Otherwise tiztag and w3schools are good places to start.

commented: Please look at the date before posting. The thread is over 2 years old. -1

I was just about to recommend the same book! (Second hand from one of the charity bookshops on Amazon gets you great bargains!) Books are better than little two page tutorials on a simple sub-topic. Online tutorials could be written by another beginner, books aren't.

I was just about to recommend the same book! (Second hand from one of the charity bookshops on Amazon gets you great bargains!) Books are better than little two page tutorials on a simple sub-topic. Online tutorials could be written by another beginner, books aren't.

You can learn PHP from books, but I think for quick learning you must watch out some good sits like:

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Just so nobody else wastes their time on this thread. It was started on 30-05-08. For goodness sakes, the OP never got a reply, he's moved on! Unless he comes back after 2.5 years of absence!

Keep away from "Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript"
try to get "PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling"

use php.net and tizag.com as reference

good luck.

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