Hi all,

This is my website url www.resourcepoint.net. i'm looking for browser compatibility. if u don't mind then visit this site in ie.firefox. this site is working fine in ie but not in firefox. floating menu has been fixed but in ie if u will click top submenus for inner page see right side menu is getting highlight which is not working in firefox. is there any body who could help me out in this problem.


Developing cross browser applications is a real pain. A good option is to use one of the Javascript libraries out there which handle most of the Javascript inconsistencies out there though CSS related issues would have a different story to tell.

If it's Firefox, your best bet would be to install the Firebug and Web Developer plugin and start hacking.

Also, most of those libraries are designed to make IE more consistent with firefox, firefox is a lot more standards compliant than IE. I usually develop for firefox first, then adjust my code for IE.

> Firefox is a lot more standards compliant than IE

Completely agree though I always end up forgiving Microsoft considering that they have given the Web Development World a pretty useful concept / thing like XMLHttpRequest object. ;-)

I always end up forgiving Microsoft considering that they have given the Web Development World a pretty useful concept / thing like XMLHttpRequest object. ;-)

Hear hear! Plus the more I read about IE8's compliance promises, the more excited I get.

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