Dear all,

Firstly thanks for reading this post. I have couple questions n problems to solve, and i believe all the masters and gurus here are kind enough to help me. I am not a programmer, nor that i'm experience with jscript. But i have this task or challenge to create a quiz for my class (i'm a part time teacher).

I have tried it on flash but i'm still finding another solution, which i think is easier, that is jscript.

I believe most of you know or ever heard the "who wants to be a millionaire" quiz. Basically what i'm tryin to create is quite similar to that. The only differences are:

1. There are 8 question before you finally win the game, and on question 5,6,7,8, there're certain prizes if they can answer it correctly (ex. if a contestant answer rightly question number 5, they will win prize A, and may continue to next question, which is question number 6, if he/she failed to answer number 6, he/she only win prize A)

2. Every question (1-8) is considered set, where every set consisted of 8-10 questions where the question on every session/game appears randomly (picked/generated randomly)

3. Every time a contestant wins a prize there will be sound played on.

4. There will be background music played on this quiz.

So is it possible to create those?, if yes can anybody enlighten me here?

Here enclosed the layout picture of what the quiz will appear.

Anyway, again thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for kindly answering.

Best regards


Will this quiz be purly in javascript or will it be a webbased game.

There will be no ask the audience or phone a friend?
This game will be a Pure javascript , played offline.
The contestant (the student) will only see the screen, they're not allowed to have keyboard or mouse.

Anyway, here i upload the thing that i explain the situation.


As u can see...on the javascript file (millquest.js) , i only manage to create a set....
which are:
stemarray[0] ='Monas adalah singkatan dari:'
answer[0] ='B'
adistract[0] ='Monumen Naskah'
bdistract[0] ='Monumen Nasional'
cdistract[0] ='Museum Nasional'
ddistract[0] ='Museum Naskah'

...all till number 7

But what i want to create are:

for question number 1-3 (which the contestant will win 100 point to Hadiah A), they consist of 75 questions that will be

randomly displayed each time the quiz begin

for question number 4-5 (which the contestant will win 100 point to Hadiah A), they consist of 75 questions that will be

randomly displayed each time the quiz begin

for question number 6 (which the contestant will win 100 point to Hadiah A), they consist of 75 questions that will be randomly

displayed each time the quiz begin

for question number 7 (which the contestant will win 100 point to Hadiah A), they consist of 75 questions that will be randomly

displayed each time the quiz begin

for question number 8 (which the contestant will win 100 point to Hadiah A), they consist of 75 questions that will be randomly

displayed each time the quiz begin

So.....anyone interested to help? ^_^

Thanks in advance...

best regards...

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