Hello members i am developing an application where user registers and uploads music files to server and if je wishes listens to music present in the portal............problem is this is my first to this type of application.........please any one help me ............. please guide me how to upload audio files and listen using php mysql..............please

thanking you

Hello members i am developing an application where user registers and uploads music files to server and if je wishes listens to music present in the portal............problem is this is my first to this type of application.........please any one help me ............. please guide me how to upload audio files and listen using php mysql..............please

thanking you

Here is the documentation on uploading files with PHP:

There are some examples there that can help you out.

In order to play the audio files, you need to embed them into HTML. Browsers do not handle audio natively, they require a plugin that will handle the audio for the browser.

The plugin that will handle the audio depends on the program installed on the clients computer. For example, if they have Windows Media Player installed, then you can embed a windows media player instance into the HTML page.

An easier and the most used way to handle audio is to use the Flash plugin. Flash is installed on more browsers then any other audio plugin.

I'd recommend using soundmanager2:

Its a JavaScript API for embedding sound into HTML using Flash. You don't have to have Flash editing software to use it since you will only be working with JavaScript.

thank you very i will just follow your instructions and tell you how it worked for me
thank you very much

You also need to buy domain and web hosting or atleast find a free web hosting service supporting PHP.

thank you very i will just follow your instructions and tell you how it worked for me
thank you very much

No problem. Post any code you may need help with :)

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